femsatronic wrote:
Bad analogy.
It wasn't actually an analogy. It was literally an inversion of terms, which highlighted your implied statement that modern riders need to be "educated", which I politely but summarily reject. There's more technology in these bikes than any previous Vespa ever made, and some of us have endeavored to explore it, understand it, and even improve it, all in an effort to go faster and farther than ever before. I think perhaps the ScooterBBS crowd could use some brushing up on the new technology, but I'm not exactly holding my breath waiting for them to embrace it.
Put another way, if you found my inverse version of your statement annoying and without merit, how do you think your original version appeared to me?
femsatronic wrote:
Modern Vespa never belonged there in the first place.
I don't think you'll get any argument from me. I think that was the point of me creating MV in the first place, yes?
femsatronic wrote:
Until you have struggled to keep an old bike on the road and traveled to a bunch of ghetto-ass out of state rallies you may never understand that.
If I had a nickel for every time I've had to listen to a vintage guy go on about how I just don't understand, I'd be... well, I'd have a lot of nickels, that's for sure. Maybe I
do understand and I don't really care? Maybe there's much less to understand than you all make it out to be? Maybe my interest is centered on something that is equally poorly understood by the vintage guys? You never know. I might have more life experiences than you give me credit for. I just might not lord those experiences over everyone else as if my background in [_____] trumps all else.
femsatronic wrote:
That forum was created by and for some pretty hardcore enthusiasts and being rude and lewd has always been part of the fun. Either you enjoy that oe you don't. Your call.
And I would never dream of denying them their chosen forum. They're welcome to it.
femsatronic wrote:
I see no reason you should be afraid to be different. I see this forum as being like Amerivespa and the BBS being like A camping rally in the Jemez with drunks, drugs and nudity. Both types of rallies are fun - just like both types of forums are fun - but they don't necessarily mix.
Last I checked, Modern Vespa was a very different place than ScooterBBS. Ask anyone, here or there. Ask Thom. He makes a regular point of telling me how he wouldn't run MV the way I do. Actually, I think you might be the only person on the face of the planet who seems to be confused about this point.
Viva la difference!
femsatronic wrote:
Trust me, reacting to the BBS is silly - let this forum be this forum and that forum be that forum and don't worry about it.
What makes you think I'm reacting to the BBS? And what on
earth makes you think that the two forums are not already completely different?!? Because I'm offering a place for vintage content here? It was already happening. I'm just letting it have a life of its own. Just as I could see a clear need for Modern Vespa three years ago, I can now see a clear need for a better, more welcoming place for vintage content, where the answer isn't always "It's already been discussed! Do a search next time, you fuckwit!"
femsatronic wrote:
You have created something unique with a heartbeat of it's own. Be proud enough of it to ignore the detractors.
The suggestion that I'm doing this out of insecurity is duly noted. I am not, in fact, insecure about Modern Vespa, nor am I doing
anything because of what my detractors have said. I am simply exploiting an opportunity to fill a niche that isn't currently being filled. People will either use it or they won't.
Kind of like capitalism, isn't it?