I would like to add :
All the stories of "never use a full synth gear oil in your gearbox or your clutch plates will slip?"
I have been running Redline Heavy duty full synthetic shockproof gear oil in 3 of my bikes for well over 3 years now with excellent results & a MUCH quieter & smoother shifting gearbox.
The bikes clutches....
1. Carbon fiber plates & Worb 5 springs in a cosa basket
2. Cosa stock plates with 4 worb 5 uprated springs & 4 stock springs
3. Stock Cosa plates ,stock cosa springs
I accept no responsibility if you tank your motor so use at your own risk........but I haven't had one issue with this oil.......and NEVER fried plates or had slipping occur on cork or carbon plates.....
It is a 75/250 weight oil that behaves like a 75/90 which equals quieter operation.
After reading Erics response...I will say that I haven't used it in my Lammy & run the Maxima in my Jet.....
Mainly because I don't ride that bike as hard as the rest.
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