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gt 200
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K, I believe I have read every oil change posting on the forum and I'm still not clear on something. I recently changed my oil for the first time and I am very frustrated with trying to validate the oil level on the dip stick.

When I check the oil after leaving it sit for 1+ hours the dip stick shows full however, when I check the level after letting it sit for five-ten minutes the level shows over by the equivalent half of the distance between the minimum and maximum level indicators. Please help
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Have you run the engine since the change?
Sounds like some residual oil from the fill up is marking the dipstick. I do recall a similar situation once.
I was confident I had filled it correctly but it didn't 'settle down' until I rode it/ran it.
Good luck.

gt 200
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yeah, that was after running it. i ended up draining all the oil and starting over. i think i have it now. put it a full quart and about a mouth full .
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After draining, you should only put about 650 cc's back in initially. The crankcase retains more than you might think. Then run it for a bit and then check again. From the minimum mark to the max requires about 400 cc's. Carefully top off a little at a time. Better to run a bit low rather than overfilled.
Hopefully others will weigh in to correct or verify my method.

Good luck,
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one of the more difficult bikes to read the oil level in that I've owned (and I've owned quite a few). I literally kept toping it up
over a 2-3 day period, 'very sensitive and the tiny little dipstick
didn't help. Just keep checking it over a variety of conditions- not a bad habit to get into in any event.
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