Charles Kegel wrote:
I have a 2009 Vespa 150LX with tall windshield the scooter has 150 miles on the clock my question is about top speed.
With my riding gear my weight is 105lbs and the best top speed as indicates on the Speedo is 56 mph is this about right?
Thanks Charles
Hi, Charles, I would say that's probably about right. What I can tell you is this. I've got a large windscreen on mine too. I weigh 150lbs butt naked, but I'd actually call my actual load to be at 235lbs (me, my bags, clothes, a chain, a heavy aftermarket seat, and whatever gas is in the tank @ 30lb/gallon). I'm nearly at sea level. I run a stock scooter with proper tire inflation. My GPS-verified steady-state wide-open-throttle speed is approximately 57mph. There are caveats to that thought though.
I'll start by saying that you can't really relate to comments about how fast it goes down hill. the heck does anyone know what that means, right? Yeah. There's already too many variables ton consider without having to speculate on the degree of decline.
That being said, I've found it pretty friggin difficult to find a decent strip of land to do a scientific measurement. What I'd like to see is at least 20 datapoints from my GPS where the altitude change stays within 2~3ft of flat, and see what the steady-state speed turns out to be. That ought to be long enough for any carrying momentum to be scrubbed off, and enough to be fairly certain that there's not much of an advantage/disadvantage from going down/up a slight decline, and gives the GPS some time to have the reading interpolations settle down.
Apparently I don't usually travel roads that flat though! The best I tend to get without making a science project out of this is maybe 5~6 datapoints at a stretch out of my normal commute that I might consider "flat." I haven't made a total project out of this, so I haven't gone seeking a flatter course. Studying the datapoints on Garmin's Mapsource tool, 57mph is what I'm coming up with as the approximate max speed with my current setup.
Now, here's another caveat though. 57mph is definitely *not* what my speedo is telling me. When I'm *actually* doing 57mph, my speedo is telling me I'm doing 65mph. I suspect that yours would overstate your speed as well. Since I suspect that your true load is probably about 40 lbs heavier than mine, I would be willing to bet that you're actually going about 50mph or perhaps slightly less.