piaggio mp3 500
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piaggio mp3 500
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I am looking for the plastic piece that covers the exhaust and the reflector on the left side of a 2008 mp3 500 demon black..any help would be appreciated.I had to drop the bike on it's side to avoid 2 doe and 2 fawns.
Alsodoes anyone know if scratches can be sanded and repainted on the side panels?

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Are you asking where to get it or where to look up part numbers?

To get it the only place is a dealer.

To look it up go here and go down till you find the Parts Manuals and look for Piaggio Fuoco/MP3 500

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Exhaust on the left side? New one on me (except for the GP800).

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jimc wrote:
Exhaust on the left side? New one on me (except for the GP800).
I was wondering the same thing.

Wayne B
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Looks like you guys are on your toes.
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It's amazing what just a itty bitty missing comma will do to a sentence. Laughing emoticon

piaggio mp3 500
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piaggio mp3 500
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The reflector is on the left side,it is the yellow one in front.Yes it was a typo but why bother with the useless comments.If you do not have an answer then move on.
I am also asking if the road rash scratches can be sanded and re-painted.The side panels were not cracked in any way.I was hoping there might have been a mp3 500 that was being pieced out.
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Dennis wrote:
Yes it was a typo but why bother with the useless comments.If you do not have an answer then move on.
you're new to this whole internet forum thingie aren't u? it happens. but they're all in good nature so don't take it too personally. peace. Clown emoticon

MP3 500
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MP3 500
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Fixing the plastic

I have the same problem -- a small rough up on one of the passenger foot stands. You can sand the plastic down, however, you will always have a discoloration in the plastic. The sanded part will be lighter, as the original plastic, when formed, is cured and dried to give it a more satin finish. Think about a painted wall -- if you sand it, it will become smooth, but the finish on the paint will always be matte and lighter than the non-sanded painted areas.

The above refers to unpainted plastic parts. The painted parts on the MP3 500 can easily be sanded and repainted, by any good motorcycle body shop. Most Japanese motorcycles have many painted plastic parts and they are always getting banged up and repainted by riders.

The piece on the exhaust -- you could repaint that yourself with spray paint, after a good sanding. It couldn't look any worse than a roughed up piece of plastic. If you do try to repaint that part, I would suggest a spray paint that can stand high temperatures. You can find such paint at an auto body shop -- people use them to repaint their engine block, for instance.

I am going to take my MP500 into the shop on Oct 31 (I have a blinker that doesn't work on one side) and I plan to ask how I can get replacement parts.

I don't suppose you have tried the site in England that someone gave a link to above? I am curious if that is a good option or not.

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The best selection of odd parts I've seen is at Af1racing.com

Hope this helps , and you are all right . There are lots of deer out where I ride too. Dave
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Scratched unpainted panels can often be completely renovated using a hot air g.un judiciously.

Parts numbers etc here:
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Dennis wrote:
The reflector is on the left side,it is the yellow one in front.Yes it was a typo but why bother with the useless comments.If you do not have an answer then move on.
I am also asking if the road rash scratches can be sanded and re-painted.The side panels were not cracked in any way.I was hoping there might have been a mp3 500 that was being pieced out.
go to your local dealer. they are some great folks over there right in downtown Santa Rosa.
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