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Just started one...

for the fun... Razz emoticon

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Does the LX really qualify as a "smallframe"?
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Shirley Mary the White Vespa ET2 2001; Velma, the Red Vespa LX125 2008
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and what happened to the ET's?

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What The? emoticon
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If an ET or LX is a modern smallframe, I am a modern Adonis.
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There was already a Modern Vespa group started by Ericalm.

Then a Modern Vespa Fan Group

Now this. Why splinter the scooter community even more than it already is?
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The MV fan page is a Page, not a Group. It works differently. Join Join Join!

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I joined too. The ET's have since been added. Laughing emoticon
I didn't know about the other Facebook links. So many message boards, so little time. Sigh....
RE: Smallframes, I guess I don't know what that means because mine sure seems small to me compared to a GTS and others.
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Spendi wrote:
I joined too. The ET's have since been added. Laughing emoticon
I didn't know about the other Facebook links. So many message boards, so little time. Sigh....
RE: Smallframes, I guess I don't know what that means because mine sure seems small to me compared to a GTS and others.
A Smallframe is a specific line of Vespas. To say they are smaller than something may be true, but to hijack an already existing name is probably not the best way to describe something. It would be like saying a Ford Taurus is a Model T. Both are made by Ford and have one similarity that they have a T in their name.
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Ellen wrote:
There was already a Modern Vespa group started by Ericalm.
There is? Uh... I mean, right, there is!
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Make sure to create a Vespa Fenderlight or "Faro Basso" group, and then invite all those who own GT60's, GTV's and LXV's.

*said DRIPPING with sarcasm*

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