Well, I'm still waiting on my new half pulley, it is suppose to be here tomorrow. So today I decided to get it all preped and clean the whole area. And couldn't help but notice what seamed to be a thin film of rust on the driveshaft.
It was on the the actual shaft, before the threads(the part that has the tiny teeth type things). But it seamed to only be at the very front of it and the very end, none in the middle, maybe because the parts there slide around a little.
But anyways, it wipped right of with a little brake cleaner but I was wondering if there was anything I should do to make sure it doesn't come back? I know it is suppose to be a dry system, but can I put maybe some WD40 or whatever else you all think is good. and exactly is in the other side of that plade when you take the whole pulley system out of the drivesaft. Could it be rusting back there too?