Len Smith wrote:
I'm not trying to be clever here, I'm totally serious. If you have been following the circus on two threads on the BBS over the past few days, it becomes obvious that there are some folks who post for no other reason that to stir the pot and create drama, so they can sit back and have a laugh at what they have created. I didn't used to believe this, but now I do.
Instead of posting to contribute to the fabric of the community, some use the internet as an outlet for their frustration, or possibly as a way to get attention, much like a class clown does. It's telling that the only time some post is to deride others. These are not generally the people who post in an effort to patiently help someone through a problem with their scooter, nor do they make positive contributions to the community, because they regard cynicism as a virtue, not sincerity.
Ya, Len, you put to words what's been in my head. I've been happy to visit MV because the shit-stirring has been kept to a minimum, and we can enjoy some shared scootin' interests, and maybe help some folks, unfettered by the reality that beyond the common interests of the board, we could absolutely hate each other.
It's a nice little controlled situation the general public can enjoy--like a park. You still find the occasional character who can't or won't control the inner asshole in him/her, and some who obviously actively enjoy shit stirring (oh, I'm sorry...that's pejorative. I mean "just expressing his true self" which just happens to involve throwing feces on the walls). It's nice to know that there're park rangers and janitors here to tell those folks that such actions overstep the rules of the park, and clean those things up. I wouldn't frequent this park nearly so much if I had to look at the crap on the walls all the time.
Now, I fully realize that I could accidentally have a bowel movement in the park one day too. Oops, did shit in our park?
You know what...I fully expect if that should happen I would be escorted off the premises as well, with an explanation as to why I've been escorted out. Do I think it is necessary or useful for the staff to leave that steaming pile of shit there for other people to "learn from" with the big red "X" through it? Well, I suppose it would get the point across to some. And you *know* the Beevis and Butthead within us would enjoy the "heh heh...there's a pile of shit in the park" punchline. But really...is it what *I'd* like to see in the park? No. Do I mind that there's no garbage dump where I can pick through the remains of decomposing shit that has been removed from public eye? What's wrong with you, boy?!? You ain't right in the head!! That's why we give children diapers, god dammit. Play with your own shit in your own house, don't play with other people's shit in the park!
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