If you're interested in Lance, check out scootdawg.com They're the experts on Chinese scooters on the net. I was looking at the same scooter under the Qlink brand. I have a good dealer and was willing to take on the problems, but I felt the scooter was too large and unbalanced for me.
The general poop on Chinese scooters is that the designs are fine, but the construction is mediocre to horrible. The result is very wide variations in quality and often a very long first six months of riding with lots of little things causing issues and being fixed, causing issues and being fixed, until you finally have all the manufacturing defects solved. You either want to be someone who fixes everything yourself or you want a dedicated reliable dealer nearby. The other importance of a dealer is that they will be the ones giving the scoot the once over when its uncrated and assembled and with the Chinese ones, you really want the once twice and three times over. You also want all the fluids changed as the oil is... well it might be oil.
If I have the story right, Lance has recently shifted away from allowing people to sell their scooters via the net and has decent parts availability. They still have a lot of dealers who aren't really dedicated to scooters though, they were just looking to grab something and sell it to cash on on the scooter boom. So you really want to suss out whether or not the place will say "sorry we're not selling those too many problems" six months from now.
Since you're here on the Vespa board, you presumably like Vespa design. If that's the case and you need cheaper, I'd look at the Genuine Buddy and the Sym Fiddle II. You can find reviews of both at
justgottascoot Personally, I love the Buddy, but the Sym is an almost exact LX clone. I think for the extra $800-1000 over a Lance, you'll be a lot happier in the long run.