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I am trying to change my spark Plug. I can't seem to access it with a spark plug wrench. Can anybody help PLEASE!!!

Rob skipperrob@lakeerielife.com

any help would be appreciated
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Molto Verboso
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Re: 2006 Fly 150
Rob Ault wrote:
I am trying to change my spark Plug. I can't seem to access it with a spark plug wrench. Can anybody help PLEASE!!!

Rob skipperrob@lakeerielife.com

any help would be appreciated
You will probably need to jack it up and unbolt the suspension to drop the motor in order to access the plug.
The Fly is not the most friendly bike to work on...
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Molto Verboso
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You just have to use the correct plug spanner in the tool rool under seat
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I have heard. But not tried it.
But if you take all the lower covers near the spark plug area off and remove the plug cap(it's kinda long) then you remove the cover to the plug that the cable went thru you can get it out.

Another way is to clamp down the front wheel to hold the bike up then remove the bolt holding the rear shock pull the spark plug wire and lift the body up till you can access the spark plug.

Good luck and post what you did to get it out..
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