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I went on Ebay and searched for "Piaggio MP3" and got a hit for this:


I ordered and just received it. YES, it is a CD that contains pdf files that include the Workshop Manual for ALL the MP3s (250, 400 and 500 Fucco) - instructions with photographs. Then someone posted that we already had those free -- a better deal.

However, I earlier picked up some led pods on Ebay (5 lights in each at different angles) and installed them under the license plate pointed at the rear tire. I wired them into the license plate light wires - very simple job - pos is black wire, yellow is ground. The blue leds come on when the lights are on and make a nice noticeable glow on the rear tire area. Pictures below. Pods cost $6 each or less.
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You mean like here? https://modernvespa.com/forum/topic630

Wayne B
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That's even better. I paid for them. I didn't know they were already online. Thanks. Maybe the led post will be useful.
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Those LEDs look pretty trippy ( old hippy here).
I like them. Do they do anything during the day?
Kinda doubt it, but if you ride at night, very cool.
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They might do a little on a dark day but they do their work at night, especially in the dark areas like my residential street, and draw very little power. There are five in a pod, the middle light is at 90 degrees, the next two at 60 and the outside ones at 45 so they cover the area well. A single pod costs about $7 and a group of 5 about $25, including shipping, so the price is right. I'm adding a couple to the front when I install my 12v plug in the dash for my GPS. I'm not trying to be cool, just seen and safe.

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In Va it is illegal to use under body lights while vehicle is being driven.

Wayne B
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I plan on eventually installing a full kit under my body panels that goes all around, but I'm going to put it on a toggle that is linked to the light relays so that it can be turned on/off but ONLY when the bike is running. Each state has different laws, so I'm going to have to check mine. I'd like to have red lights to match my paint, but some states frown on red or blue because of the cop lights. If I can't, purple might be my alternative.

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As far as red lights, Fed Law, no Red light can be visible from the front of vehicle. There is an angle degree but I don't know the number.

Wayne B
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i like...

link for the lights?


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Brillant...I love it and that's exactly what I been looking to do....

Okay, guys, I'm going to let you guys go first and give me instruction and pics...I've been googling those street glow lights, but the cost is so high and I don't know how to install them.

I'll check out the law here in Austin, because I reeeeally want the blue.

Please let me know how to proceed when you know.

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Okay, I've found out what I want my mp3 to eventually mimic(in mp3 form of course )!

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Oh, my gosh...that's disturbing....

Okay, as for the ebay led light link.....I went to ebay and searched "motorcycle led lights: and 934 hits...(one of which is a skull led similar to the you tube link...hello .. luthor, go see...then, I searched "motorcycle blue led pod lights"

I found what I was looking for under the link below...I believe it is or similar to what JerryW got...now all I need is luthor to order and give me a how to... Laughing emoticon PReeety Pleeeeease... Laughing emoticon With sugar on it.... Laughing emoticon


Holly do do that's a long link..Well that's it... Also, there are many more colors...For other colors, I can suggest an ebay search like...
"motorcycle purple led pod lights" insert the color you want.

Toooo Cooool
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Same in CA.
Wayne B wrote:
In Va it is illegal to use under body lights while vehicle is being driven.

Wayne B
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Hey Jacq! . I have been thinking about doing this for awhile and doing a tutorial too. Have you seen these?


I kinda like them because:

1. They're remote operated, which means NO TOGGLE SWITCH TO INSTALL! YAY!
2. They can change to 7 colors and several patterns which means if there is a "no red or blue" law in my state, I can simply switch with a button...plus I can switch just to suit my fancy.

They have a youtube video link at the bottom so you can watch the colors/patterns.

There's only 6 tubes, but they flex and I figure with the mp3's size vs. a bike, I should be fine, I mean that's one tube on the front, one on the rear and two spaced out on each side. Plus I'm sure it would be nothing to wire in your own LED pods to the system.

Anyways, I'm looking at picking up a set of these or pods of some sort in the next few weeks. When I do, I'll be sure to put up a step by step guide.
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OMG...That is tooo cool....Psych0-delic...Love it...
For this year it's too pricey for me...I'll have to wait until next year for that...The $26.00 all blue will have to do for me...hmmm, on second thought, I just might be able to swing it in November. That ought to give you some time to blaze the trail in front of me... Happy to follow you L
Man that is too cool...Safety with Attitude. I could totally do this. Might have to name my beasty Night Rider for that kind action. Outstanding find, I didn't even look that one.
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Jacq wrote:
OMG...That is tooo cool....Psych0-delic...Love it...
For this year it's too pricey for me...I'll have to wait until next year for that...The $26.00 all blue will have to do for me...hmmm, on second thought, I just might be able to swing it in November. That ought to give you some time to blaze the trail in front of me... Happy to follow you L
Man that is too cool...Safety with Attitude. I could totally do this. Might have to name my beasty Night Rider for that kind action. Outstanding find, I didn't even look that one.
Shhhh....don't tell anyone. But I have to mention it now that you have. I've had something in the works for a bit to go with my LED upgrade. Shhhh.....I'm replacing my middle light with this:


Oh, and if that wasn't enough....keep this hush hush, but I actually found a horn that will play the Knight Rider music or a normal Horn sound(2 different buttons)...

And last but not least....


NOW do you understand why I've been talking about having my entire bike painted glossy black?

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On my way home one night I was behind a motorcyclist and he had a light that shone on the back of his jacket whenever he braked. I didn't get close enough to figure out exactly where it was mounted, but I thought it was cool and practical. It really made him stand out in the dark. Has anybody else seen anything like that before?
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Lights Illegal in Texas...
Bummer....I just called the police dept...The under the carriage lights on cars and "other vehicle" are illegal in the state of Texas...Gosh Darn it...I reeeeally wanted to do that....I wonder it I could get away with just the one at the rear by the license plate like Jerry...hmmm. I'll have think it over and cancel my order for 4 sets...Darn it...

Thought you Texas folks would want to know...cheers..jacq
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Re: Lights Illegal in Texas...
Jacq wrote:
Bummer....I just called the police dept...The under the carriage lights on cars and "other vehicle" are illegal in the state of Texas...Gosh Darn it...I reeeeally wanted to do that....I wonder it I could get away with just the one at the rear by the license plate like Jerry...hmmm. I'll have think it over and cancel my order for 4 sets...Darn it...

Thought you Texas folks would want to know...cheers..jacq
Here's a great little site for ALL of us:

It list a link to all state laws regarding lighting(with instructions on how to get to the appropriate folder).

Although I originally didn't intend to...this site actually has a lighting kit designed for scooters! It's the only one I've seen...

It's at the very bottom...
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Jacq, I think you are wrong about TX. It does not light an area more than 75 ft. from the bike. I also don't think it is that bright. This light does not flash. AND, YES, I practiced law in TX for 25 years, and cops will just tell you "no" when they don't know (and that is more often than you think). Here is the law:

§ 547.305. RESTRICTIONS ON USE OF LIGHTS. (a) A motor
vehicle lamp or illuminating device, other than a headlamp,
spotlamp, auxiliary lamp, turn signal lamp, or emergency vehicle or
school bus warning lamp, that projects a beam with an intensity
brighter than 300 candlepower shall be directed so that no part of
the high-intensity portion of the beam strikes the roadway at a
distance of more than 75 feet from the vehicle
(b) Except as expressly authorized by law, a person may not
operate or move equipment or a vehicle, other than a police vehicle,
with a lamp or device that displays a red light visible from
directly in front of the center of the equipment or vehicle.
(c) A person may not operate a motor vehicle equipped with a
red, white, or blue beacon, flashing, or alternating light unless
the equipment is:
(1) used as specifically authorized by this chapter;
(2) a running lamp, headlamp, taillamp, backup lamp,
or turn signal lamp that is used as authorized by law.
(d) A vehicle may be equipped with alternately flashing
lighting equipment described by Section 547.701 or 547.702 only if
the vehicle is:
(1) a school bus;
(2) an authorized emergency vehicle;
(3) a church bus that has the words "church bus"
printed on the front and rear of the bus so as to be clearly
discernable to other vehicle operators;
(4) a tow truck while under the direction of a law
enforcement officer at the scene of an accident or while hooking up
to a disabled vehicle on a roadway; or
(5) a tow truck with a mounted light bar which has turn
signals and stop lamps in addition to those required by Sections
547.322, 547.323, and 547.324, Transportation Code.
(e) A person may not operate highway maintenance or service
equipment, including snow-removal equipment, that is not equipped
with lamps or that does not display lighted lamps as required by the
standards and specifications adopted by the Texas Department of
(f) In this section "tow truck" means a motor vehicle or
mechanical device that is adapted or used to tow, winch, or move a
disabled vehicle.

Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 165, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1995. Amended
by Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. 380, § 1, eff. July 1, 1999.
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I was hoping the cop just brushed me off. I read the section Luthorhuss provided through his link which is the section you copied in. I'm glad you replied. I really want to do this.

I ordered the lights...Can you give me some tips on how you wired this in and how you attached the pods???

Thanks..and cheers...jacquie
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Jacq wrote:
I was hoping the cop just brushed me off. I read the section Luthorhuss provided through his link which is the section you copied in. I'm glad you replied. I really want to do this.

I ordered the lights...Can you give me some tips on how you wired this in and how you attached the pods???

Thanks..and cheers...jacquie
Hey Jacq, dunno what your cops are like, but I plan on installing a toggle/button with mine. I decided today that I'm going to do that EVEN if the light set comes with a remote. I got to thinking about how, especially with all the functions, it could get 'hairy' trying to reach down to my keys, and fiddle with buttons(especially with gloves on) to turn off lights if I see a cop that I know to be a bit of a dillweed. Instead, I'm gonna have that remote(to impress the ladies ) AND a big fat, glove friendly toggle switch somewhere on the dash. The lights will still be wired to a relay so some knucklehead can't play with them by flicking the dash switch when it's off. Here's a cheap example of what I'm talking about:

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My install was very simple. A friend who builds bikes suggested it and said there was no problem because leds draw practically no voltage.

If you look at the left rear of the bike you will see two wires covered with plastic run back to the license plate and that light comes on when the bike is running. I just cut the plastic to expose the wires - one black (positive) and yellow (negative).

Then I used little clamps that don't require you to cut the bikes wiring. I got little blue devices that clamp over the wires at the auto supply house. (I'll post a picture tomorrow.) These devices have 2 channels, -- the outside channel allows a wire to enter and leave and is for the bike's live wire. The inside channel only goes into the middle of the clamp and is for the wire you want to run to the leds.

You cut a short extension wire to run from each of the blue clamps to the led wires. Strip a little off each extension wire but put the insulated end into the clamp. The stripping is to connect to the led wires. After you push the blue clamp shut over the wires, attach the extension wire to the led wires with small connecting screws. Turn the bike on long enough to connect them up to make sure they are working and then wrap it all up with electrical tape to seal. The led lights should only work when the bike is turned on.
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Gotcha....Hey Jerry, I believe you said you were going to put them up front too...If or when you do, would you add to this thread and tell us how you went about that too?....I'm going to do this. As usual, I have to have alittle how to advise....Thanks so much for the thread...It's a tremendous help to me.....cheers...jacq
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About the lighting in Texas - a local LEO did some research for us and came up with the same text as JerryW plus some other observations:

1. direct lights (bulb visible) can only be amber or red (rear lights).

2. No flashing red, blue, or white lights.

3. Other colors can be indirect - that is, you can't see the bulb or light fixture directly but you can see what is lit by the them.

These will pass the legal issues but not someone's uninformed opinion, of which you have already experienced.
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The bulbs aren't visible where I put them and it will be the same in the front. I wedged them in a little channel on each side of the license plate area and glued them in with a plastic epoxy.

I like their look and they make people see you and that's what it's all about. A circle of blue light on the tire and ground behind the tire is hard to miss.
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jerryw wrote:
The bulbs aren't visible where I put them and it will be the same in the front. I wedged them in a little channel on each side of the license plate area and glued them in with a plastic epoxy.

I like their look and they make people see you and that's what it's all about. A circle of blue light on the tire and ground behind the tire is hard to miss.
Yeah - the pictures in the first post look great. Your 500 is the black one, right?

I wonder how the red lights would look on the wife's Red and black? Hmmmmm...
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Saw Motorcycle Blue Lighted
Hey Jerry, I went out riding last night to test out my new mod with both lights on at the same time...Guess what I saw? I motorcycle all lighted up with blue lights...As I looked at it mesmerized, I then noticed a cop car go right by it like nothing was wrong...Now we know the police evaluate their priorities, even so that just further encourages me to do this mod...

I have two things I want to do...I want to put in blue lights underneath and I want to replace the side reflectors with orange and red LED lights...I remember someone did that here, so I'll do some digging and find what I can about that. But really, get ready when my blue lights get here, I'll need advise on what else I will need to complete the job...Thanks in advance...

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Re: Saw Motorcycle Blue Lighted
Jacq wrote:
Hey Jerry, I went out riding last night to test out my new mod with both lights on at the same time...Guess what I saw? I motorcycle all lighted up with blue lights...As I looked at it mesmerized, I then noticed a cop car go right by it like nothing was wrong...Now we know the police evaluate their priorities, even so that just further encourages me to do this mod...

I have two things I want to do...I want to put in blue lights underneath and I want to replace the side reflectors with orange and red LED lights...I remember someone did that here, so I'll do some digging and find what I can about that. But really, get ready when my blue lights get here, I'll need advise on what else I will need to complete the job...Thanks in advance...

Hi Jacq,

I've had the the mod completed whereby the stock reflectors were removed and replaced with LEDs. The link with pictures is located here: https://modernvespa.com/forum/topic36260

Fellow MV member frankenplanes completed the mods for me, you can send him a PM for additional information.
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I just got my adjustable windshield from F1. It will probably be this weekend before I can get it installed. I plan to put the leds in the front then as well as a waterproof 12v aux connector for the GPS. I'll try to get pics of it all.
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Blue Undercarriage Lights and LED Sidelights
spartan1984...do you have any how to links or communiques from SimonHughes and frankenplanes to yourself about the side LED lighting mod...
I assume those lights are tapped in "somewhere" Could you tell me as much as you can about how you wired and where you wired them in...

Jerry...I think you have your blue light direct wired into the tail lights...How did you attach the lights...I got them today. Where will i likely find the attachment dodads you used...
I'm hoping to have the blue undercarriage lights on a switch...Maybe someone give me some ideas and/or how tos on this kind of wiring...

Thanks ya'll....I know I may get tedious...I appreciate your help to no end.

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Re: Blue Undercarriage Lights and LED Sidelights
Jacq wrote:
spartan1984...do you have any how to links or communiques from SimonHughes and frankenplanes to yourself about the side LED lighting mod...
I assume those lights are tapped in "somewhere" Could you tell me as much as you can about how you wired and where you wired them in...

Jerry...I think you have your blue light direct wired into the tail lights...How did you attach the lights...I got them today. Where will i likely find the attachment dodads you used...
I'm hoping to have the blue undercarriage lights on a switch...Maybe someone give me some ideas and/or how tos on this kind of wiring...

Thanks ya'll....I know I may get tedious...I appreciate your help to no end.

Hi jacq...I'll PM frankenplanes and have him fill in the details regarding your question. SimonHughes mentioned the comagination for the rear brake lights to flash when you pressed the hand brakes. Again, frankenplanes was able to do the install.
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I'm adding the AddMore lighting kit to the Givi top case integrated lights. That will put running, brake, and turn-signal lights right at face-level of NYC cab drivers. I think undercarriage LEDS is a good idea too. Bright lights save lives!
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Question on the appropriate Toggle / Switch:

I need to figure out the Toggle size (e.g., 10 Amp, 15 Amp, 20 Amp) to use for a light string. The guy at Auto Zone scared me and told me if I use too large of an amp it could burn out the lights.

The light string will contain:
1) 4 Blue LED pods (24 LEDs = 6 LED x 4 pods). These will light up the rear tire.

2) 4 Yellow LED Auto Mirror turn signal light lamp (52 LEDs = 13 LED x 4 pods). These lights will be installed under the black metal mesh on the front and back (the small mesh that is parallel to the front lights, not the mesh down by the blinkers). I had been looking for "Clearance / Marker" lights that I could use in place of the side reflectors, but I just couldn't find a good light that would fit the bill.

The yellow lights are at:


So, with 76 small LEDs what size toggle should I use?
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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A 5A switch will be fine. 76 LEDs at 20mA each is still less than 1.5A, and that's assuming they are all paralleled up, which I doubt very much.

Your salesman was talking complete tosh, as most do - if they knew anything about electronics they wouldn't be salesmen. The current capacity of a switch is merely the amount it *can* switch say 20,000 times without failure. So the bigger the capacity the less chance of a failure. The capacity of a switch has no bearing on the current that will be passed, that depends on the voltage and the load.
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ScooterMeister wrote:
Question on the appropriate Toggle / Switch:

I need to figure out the Toggle size (e.g., 10 Amp, 15 Amp, 20 Amp) to use for a light string. The guy at Auto Zone scared me and told me if I use too large of an amp it could burn out the lights.
Hogwash. Read jimc's reply - the small switch will work fine since the drain on LEDs is very small. Actually, a 2 amp switch could probably handle it. A 20 amp switch is overkill but certainly won't hurt anything.

Be sure and post pictures of this project! 8)
⬆️    About 2 months elapsed    ⬇️

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luthorhuss wrote:
Jacq wrote:
OMG...That is tooo cool....Psych0-delic...Love it...
For this year it's too pricey for me...I'll have to wait until next year for that...The $26.00 all blue will have to do for me...hmmm, on second thought, I just might be able to swing it in November. That ought to give you some time to blaze the trail in front of me... Happy to follow you L
Man that is too cool...Safety with Attitude. I could totally do this. Might have to name my beasty Night Rider for that kind action. Outstanding find, I didn't even look that one.
Shhhh....don't tell anyone. But I have to mention it now that you have. I've had something in the works for a bit to go with my LED upgrade. Shhhh.....I'm replacing my middle light with this:


Oh, and if that wasn't enough....keep this hush hush, but I actually found a horn that will play the Knight Rider music or a normal Horn sound(2 different buttons)...

And last but not least....


NOW do you understand why I've been talking about having my entire bike painted glossy black?
You have any more info or pics on the LED and horn? The link does not show the LED item.
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