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R.I.P. ----K.I.T.T.500, Agent Orange (400)
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Alright, for some reason a question came up today that I have no idea about(not that this is infrequent:) ).

We're all owners of a fairly 'NEW' piece of technology. It doesn't have the same library of information that comes with say, a standard scooter or Vespa. I know we're all still in the 'rush' of having,riding,buying our babies.

Anyways, I plan on having mine throughout college(another 4 years...until my doctorate...ugh!). Afterwards, I will be leaving college, but I can already tell you that I don't want to ditch my first love. I've already decided that even if a bigger(850), better(hybrid or otherwise) comes out, I'm keeping this one, and I might purchase one of those too. Sorry I rambling, here's the question:

If, after 4 years and many, many, miles of riding....Is it possible to 'REBUILD' a scooter that is a maxi, modern, 3 wheeled one?

I know that you can do a resto on vespas, but let's face it, those things were designed to live through a nuclear war. I'm just wondering if, when I get out and starting making a decent living, I can breakdown my baby, rebuild it, and make it virtually new?

This is an early question for us, but in a few years, I believe we'll be seeing more rebuilds,engine changes, etc questions...
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Not that I'm a mechanic but I don't think your scoot should need a rebuild after 4-5 years of use. But any-thing in this world (well almost anything) can be rebuilt except things but how much $$$ will it cost you is the question.
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Luthor hate to get you but you already ditch your first love machine (the mp3 250 ) Laughing emoticon Laughing emoticon
the answer to your question about rebuilding the motor, yes if it needs it you couold have it done or do it yourself. If you tackle it on your own you will probably need some special tools and a lift and time and patience. Probably wouldn't hurt to print out the service manual.
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R.I.P. ----K.I.T.T.500, Agent Orange (400)
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@luthorhuss avatar
R.I.P. ----K.I.T.T.500, Agent Orange (400)
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My 250 and I were just flirting

I loved it, and it was hard to part with it, but after rear tire woes, panels becoming un-clipped, and watching the speedo dip everytime I hit a hill, it was time to make an appearance on 'CHEATERS'. You shoulda seen the slap fight my 250 had with my 500 when she found out!
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Wow...In four years we get to call you "Doc"? Way to go brother.
@luthorhuss avatar

R.I.P. ----K.I.T.T.500, Agent Orange (400)
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@luthorhuss avatar
R.I.P. ----K.I.T.T.500, Agent Orange (400)
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emptynest wrote:
Wow...In four years we get to call you "Doc"? Way to go brother.
Yay! Yeah, I can't wait. Now before you go asking me to diagnose anything....It's my Doctorate of Pharmacy . I'm gonna be a professional drug dealer...If I can make it through Organic Chemistry Crying or Very sad emoticon
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@emptynest avatar
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Can I get a discount on Viagra??
@luthorhuss avatar

R.I.P. ----K.I.T.T.500, Agent Orange (400)
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@luthorhuss avatar
R.I.P. ----K.I.T.T.500, Agent Orange (400)
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Lol. I'll just make sure to write "Autofill" on your next prescription .
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Beware the wrath of a woman scorned!
luthorhuss wrote:
My 250 and I were just flirting

I loved it, and it was hard to part with it, but after rear tire woes, panels becoming un-clipped, and watching the speedo dip everytime I hit a hill, it was time to make an appearance on 'CHEATERS'. You shoulda seen the slap fight my 250 had with my 500 when she found out!
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