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Hello everyone,

I've been trying to find comments about the tall, comfort screen that we've seen online.

Does anyone out there own one?

I know that the rain drops can affect the visibility; I guess I'll use "Rain-X".
I'm looking to stay as warm as possible this fall/winter.

Do they make one that fits the MP3 500?

So, what do you think? Should I buy one? I think it's about $500.
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Sorry, but to my knowledge does not fit the 500.
I always wonder how this screen effects handling,
particularly in crosswinds. Can anyone say?
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My friend in Pennsylvannia is bringing me some of those ATV handle/hand covers...It's was a suggestion by jimc. These cold weather covers, jimc calls mitts, go over the handles and brakes and apparantly have openings you can slide your hands in easily to run the throttle and brakes....My friend tells me they go on sale in November, probably because of some hunting season thing.
I've never seen them, but I'm told they are common winter accessories for ATVs...Just a thought for you....Stay warm,,,be safe....

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Re: Mitts
Jacq wrote:
My friend in Pennsylvannia is bringing me some of those ATV handle/hand covers...It's was a suggestion by jimc. These cold weather covers, jimc calls mitts, go over the handles and brakes and apparantly have openings you can slide your hands in easily to run the throttle and brakes....My friend tells me they go on sale in November, probably because of some hunting season thing.
I've never seen them, but I'm told they are common winter accessories for ATVs...Just a thought for you....Stay warm,,,be safe....

Thanks for the "warm hands" idea. I guess I should buy a pair of heated, electric grips as well. I have a friend with a snow mobile; I figure, if he can stay warm at 150MPH in the snow, I could learn a thing or two from him.
By the way, in regards to hunting season, you gave me a good idea. I should sell my Polaris 4-wheeler (or trade it in). I hear that hunters use the "warm hands" covers with the 4-wheelers.
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No more bugs on the face shield!!
Interestingly tall screen?! And yes, I too wonder about its effect during crosswind rides.

As far as [url=http://vespalx150.blogspot.com/2008/10/riding-in-cold-weather-dress-for.html]cold weather riding, here are some great writing from Mr. Steve Williams[/url].

Also, you might want to check on rainx. Maybe not be recommended by mfr. $500 is half a grand!
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I say ....
I say if you're in an area that gets so cold that normal gloves won't do it, you might as well break down and get:


They're part of an entire system, gloves, jacket liner, and pants liner.

The 'cool' things about these are:
1. controlled by a remote on your thigh(velcro strap)
2. They interlink, so only one wire running to your 12V adaptor
3. They're thin, but super warm, so you don't have to 'bulk' up in layers anymore, just normal clothing and these along with armor, or course .
4. They're fairly reasonably priced. I've seen other sets go for near double.

That's my two cents worth for those of you getting into crazy cold...like Idaho, Penn, etc.
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I seen a couple of recumbent bicycle riders out today.They had fairly large fairings on them.I wonder if one was to make up some hardware if these fairing/screens could hold up to the higher speeds of a scoot.
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I'm expecting a COLD winter here in Texas. I just bought 2 jackets from Iron Pony - one a Fairway jacket by M2R and a Gore Tex by Technik. They were closeouts and both are excellent, both have zip out liners and are the kind of stuff you use to tramp around Colo in the winter. (I lived in Vail a couple of years.)

Anyone interested should go to ironpony.com and hit the "Closeout" button on the left.
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Big Sale! Everything out the door! Thanks for the LINK, jerry.
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I would be lost without you all. Thank you very kindley.

Sushiman007: You're absolutely right. I looked at the warning label on the "Rain-X" bottle. It says not to use it on plastics unless a manufacturer (of the plastic product) can approve its usage.

Luthorhuss: Thanks again for the tourmaster recommendations. I'm sure I will invest in some of these products.

Scootover: Pretty unique looking screens on those bikes. But, I'm starting to be convinced (by some of our fellow bloggers here) that the "wind factor" will be unbearable.

JerryW: How cold does it get in Dallas? Does it get as cold and miserable as it gets here in NYC? Anyway, thanks for the jacket recommendations. I've been paying close attention to all of your blogs. I must say; I like your style!
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