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2007 px200 1968 rally 180 1960 Li150 s2
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the last 12 months i have been going through the stages of joining the the police force in the state that i live in and was successful.....then it happened! was caught talking on my mobile phone while driving my cop magnet of a car $165 dollar fine and lost 3 demerit points. received a phone call from the recruiting office the other day saying that my application has been cancelled because of the incident and i can reapply in september 2009 sold the car and now that my vespa is my only mode of transportation i wont be able to talk on the phone while i drive anymore. some habits are hard to break
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That sounds sooo harsh! Sorry to hear about that, for you.

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At least you are alive to reapply in 2009. You didn't kill yourself or anyone else while you were on the phone.

2007 px200 1968 rally 180 1960 Li150 s2
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2007 px200 1968 rally 180 1960 Li150 s2
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gcook wrote:
At least you are alive to reapply in 2009. You didn't kill yourself or anyone else while you were on the phone.
yeah i know was pretty reckless but everybody makes mistakes......best behaviour next 12 months
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I saw a guy texting on a Ruckus while driving down the street about a month ago.
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DAMN!!! That is some harsh punishment. It wasn't like you were drunk driving or something. Here in the States people are ALWAYS on the phone while driving.

They could have kept you on and made you do like community service or something like that.
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Leon Russell wrote:
I saw a guy texting on a Ruckus while driving down the street about a month ago.
Which, I think, makes an excellent segue for re-posting this wonderful gem of a video, "This is how we roll in India!"


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I wasn't trying to be judgemental. but here in the uk you can go to jail if you cause injury or death while you are on the phone.
The guy was honest enough to admit its reckless. So is drink/drug driving of course. its not about doing what other people get away with ,ts about being responsible.
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Sorry to hear that - really unfortunate run of luck. But I am a stickler for people not talking on their phones. Annoys me to no end - seriously, is ANY conversation that important that you can't call them back in 5,15,20 mins? If not, then just get a bluetooth headset.

People talking on the phone while driving cause accidents everyday. I wish more people were pulled over and ticketed for this.

You'll be back, and I'm sure you learned your lesson. Sept is less than a year away!
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2009 Vespa GTS Super duper pooper scooper
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gcook wrote:
I wasn't trying to be judgemental. but here in the uk you can go to jail if you cause injury or death while you are on the phone.
The guy was honest enough to admit its reckless. So is drink/drug driving of course. its not about doing what other people get away with ,ts about being responsible.
Well you can be put in jail here too for causing a fatality while driving and whatever. But most states here don't have laws against cell phone use. It would be nice but i do it too sometimes.

I am sorry he lost his chance at being a Police Officer because of it. They must have a competative job market.
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