Yesterday the MP3 400 and I, did it.
The "Grand Challenge" - 1000 miles (1611 kms) in under 24 hrs. The route covered main roads, smaller subsidiary roads, and 100's of km on small, narrow, twisty country roads in the middle of the night. Weather was a mixed bag, with approx 900km (550mls) in drizzle or rain.
I made a couple of navigational errors in the middle of the cold, wet night and added an extra 71km (40+ mls) as a result.
This is an organised, annual event here in NZ every October (springtime), held by the Rusty Nuts M/cycle club and is open to allcomers.
This year, almost 100 machines started. The MP3 (one of only 2 machines under 500cc) made it with 89 minutes to spare! I even stopped for 2 hours to have a quick nap and breakfast at home, on the way!
The other small bike (a GN250 Suzuki) made it, only 12 minutes before cut off time. 38 riders pulled out before the 24 hrs was up - from a variety of mechanical, physical, or 'time' issues.
I also rode about 140km (87 miles) each way, to the start (and home again afterwards), which actually means I did 1962km (1220mls) in under 30 hrs including stops, pre-start and post-finish time.
The MP3 never missed a beat, purred all the way, passed a few other machines much bigger than it and was actalyy nice and comfy for almost the whole length of the trip (I had a woollen sheepskin on the seat).
Well Done Piaggio.
Well done MP3
Well done me. Boy, did I sleep soundly last night!!!
Look at the link to find out more on previous events.