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Okay please don't yell at me....I can't find the thread on installing Jettin' barends. I have a pair of chrome ones & did attempt to remove stock ones using the proper size hex (fold-out type) key...I also bought a new set of "T" handled "mm" hex tools. Guess what? These girly hands of mine can't break loose the stock hex screw using either tool! Crying or Very sad emoticon How the heck do I remove them? With the hex key in, should I then tap it with a hammer? They do unscrew counter-clockwise...right?
Oh,....I've got that blonde thing going on again!
Btw.....Will there be any other complications on this install (if I manage to get past first base?)
Here's a question I should have asked 1st: Do you think it's a wise item to install? (I do have "S" hook tie-down straps to use when and if the time comes to haul it).......or will it throw my riding abilities off kilter using heavier bar-ends? Oh me oh my....need more strength Headache emoticon
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You're not alone. I was unsuccessful in getting the stock bar ends off and had to have the dealer's service team get them off using a huge hex wrench.

Last weekend I installed Oxford heat grips. The two words of advice I would give are:

1) On the throttle side, you may need to do as I did and carve off the ridge on the end of the throttle. After you cut off the stock grip, you'll find the plastic throttle has a lip on the end that may prevent you from sliding the new grip on top.
2) On the throttle side, make sure you push the new grip ALL the way on. I did not initially push the new grip 100% on (maybe 2mm short of all the way to the back.) When I replaced the bar end it acted as a cruise control due to the sticking as the bar end pushed against the grip.
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Ok, so this is a repeat question but it seems the peeps in the rest of the MV don't want to answer...

Other than for looks what does changing the barnds do for you..I've heard of different weights...?
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Re: Help! Jettin' Barends
Righty tighty. lefty loosey!

If you drill the allen head off, say 1/4" drill bit. The stock barend will slide off. Then take some vise grips and clamp it onto the bolt or whats left of it and undo it.
Email me at jettinscooters@aol.com if you need help.

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Re: Help! Jettin' Barends
Nyle wrote:
Righty tighty. lefty loosey!

If you drill the allen head off, say 1/4" drill bit. The stock barend will slide off. Then take some vise grips and clamp it onto the bolt or whats left of it and undo it.
Email me at jettinscooters@aol.com if you need help.

Wow Nyle, I have to drill the head off the stock hex screw? That will probably destroy/chewup/scratch my stock chrome barends right? Was hoping to salvage them. So it's a trade-off. With the remaining threaded piece, I lefty loosey it & (undo) with grips. OK got it. With the change of barends, will it effect my ride? If so, in what way? Balance? Leaning?
BTW, are Chrome Hex Screws available yet?
This forum is turning me into a mechanic...whadda think ladies....let's open an MP3 svc. station!
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smrf wrote:
Ok, so this is a repeat question but it seems the peeps in the rest of the MV don't want to answer...

Other than for looks what does changing the barnds do for you..I've heard of different weights...?
It allows me a quick tie-down in the event of hauling (the rubberized "S" type hooks on my tow straps fit onto and over slot in each barend.....easy method and safe (as long as you secure the bike properly on the carrier as well).

As far as the change in ride is concerned....I need an answer for that one...

All members familar with barend usage...please help with the "ride" outcome/info
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Re: Help! Jettin' Barends
MySkyMizer wrote:

Wow Nyle, I have to drill the head off the stock hex screw? That will probably destroy/chewup/scratch my stock chrome barends right?
No it will just destroy the hex bolt. You only need to drill the head of the bolt off not the whole thing.
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mine came off pretty good. I use a standard metric size L hex then put a box end wrench on it and used that for leverage and they sounded like snap but came loose and changed them, no problem
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smrf wrote:
Ok, so this is a repeat question but it seems the peeps in the rest of the MV don't want to answer...

Other than for looks what does changing the barnds do for you..I've heard of different weights...?
Okay, bar ends....they basically, how do I describe this? Well, they won't "DO" anything that will show up on a computer or performance tester. What they do is basically add weight to the end of the handlebars. Well, duh...I hear you say. What I mean is this: Picture your handlebars when you're going through twisties. You notice how you don't actually turn them(unless you're on a Can Am...giggle). But instead they act like a sort of seesaw across the point where the wheel is making contact. Well, by adding bar ends, you basically get easier leans back and forth. It's like the difference between a seesaw with no kids on it(you have to manually oomph each side back and forth) and with kids on it(their WEIGHT carries the seesaw up and down with minimal effort. Hope that all makes sense with out getting too technical.
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luthorhuss wrote:
smrf wrote:
Ok, so this is a repeat question but it seems the peeps in the rest of the MV don't want to answer...

Other than for looks what does changing the barnds do for you..I've heard of different weights...?
Okay, bar ends....they basically, how do I describe this? Well, they won't "DO" anything that will show up on a computer or performance tester. What they do is basically add weight to the end of the handlebars. Well, duh...I hear you say. What I mean is this: Picture your handlebars when you're going through twisties. You notice how you don't actually turn them(unless you're on a Can Am...giggle). But instead they act like a sort of seesaw across the point where the wheel is making contact. Well, by adding bar ends, you basically get easier leans back and forth. It's like the difference between a seesaw with no kids on it(you have to manually oomph each side back and forth) and with kids on it(their WEIGHT carries the seesaw up and down with minimal effort. Hope that all makes sense with out getting too technical.
Very interesting analogy Luthor.....will give it some thought in the morning (I'm likin' it....thank you). Easier sounds good and kids, well what can I say! 8)
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Those jettin' barends are specially designed for secure and easy tie-down during transport w/o destroying your grips, switches, or marring any finishes. They look great; but not just for good looks. They work gr-r-r-eat, too!

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More tips?
sushiman007 wrote:
Those jettin' barends are specially designed for secure and easy tie-down during transport w/o destroying your grips, switches, or marring any finishes. They look great; but not just for good looks. They work gr-r-r-eat, too!

External inline image provided by member with no explanatory text
So sushiman, it looks like you have the same chrome ones I bought. Did you have to drill the stock hex bolt heads out to install the jettins? Or were you able to crack-em' loose with a hex key? I want to use them in the future for quick-n-ez tie-downs too (as you said). Any tips on removal or installing? Did you salvage the stock ones without marring them up in case of future use? I'm a tad nervous about drilling out the old, so if you have any other suggestions....my ears are "dumbo's" Laughing emoticon (well, not really, but I'm listening).
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Never mind all that....Luthorhuss, what are you doing sleeping on top of your 500????
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emptynest wrote:
Never mind all that....Luthorhuss, what are you doing sleeping on top of your 500????
You'll have to go to my PAY site for that! :)lol

This did inspire me to start a new post though...

Top Ways You Can Tell You're "In To" your new Mp3 (Post 498173)
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MySkyMizer - I wouldn't drill them out until I have found out for certain I couldn't get them off with the hex wrench. A couple of suggestions: stick a piece of pipe on the end of your hex key or something else to give you more leverage, making sure the hex key is solidly on there. Or you could find some local guy to put some "hunga" on it. It's not welded on there, it just needs a good pull. Another reminder, always pull towards you, not push.
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This should be an ezy job....key words..."should be&
Thank you GlowGuy for the clear and very helpful advice. I think I'll give that pipe idea a try. If that doesn't crack-em loose.....I'll have to seek-me-out a hunk of power elsewhere. Oh.....frank.....jim......bob......steve...... Crying or Very sad emoticon
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