From what I have been reading in MV, it sounds like they FUBARed your ride.
Naw... not really.
Vespa mechanics are no different than car mechanics; there are some good ones and there are some bad ones. Sounds like you got a bad one, or atleast a careless one.
I don't think they broke anything but at the very least it sounds like they got the tune-up wrong.
Just because they work for a vespa dealer does not make them gods or super special mechanics. You still have to make sure they do a good job and don't pay till you know they did it right.
There was another post from a guy just the other day and he got his scoot back from a Vespa dealer service with a dent in the cowling. A freaking dent... How the "flocking hello" do you dent a scoot and not know it???
It sounded like he did not believe they had done it, he was almost blaming himself, because he thought the dealer could not have done that to his scoot. Well yes they could.
Sorry for the rant, but I have read about 15 posts where the scoot is worse off after the service than it was before, so taking statistics into account and mixing with reality adding a healthy dollup of expereince I would say about 60 scoots a year are damaged at the dealer-by the mechanic, and probably around 3000 come away perfect.
The point is the mechanic is a human being and we are all flawed.
(okay I pulled the numbers out of the air) I probably over estimated the 3000 by a bit.
Search the posts for how to adjust the tunning and tweak the fuel jet a bit and she will probably be purring in no time.