Kam wrote:
Scooterrific wrote:
genie wrote:
not too much beefcake mind .... i likes the 'lean but capable' look myself. think swimmers. *phwoar*
As I've gotten older my tastes have broadened. Or you might read that as my standards have lowered in order to find a paradigm I am..ummm...comfortable and compatible with.
i know what you mean scooterrific. i thought the world was getting better looking, only to realise that it was just me getting older.
reminds me of a scene in a movie where one waitress is making a snide comment to her colleague about the fact that she finds anyone and everyone attractive. i know, says her friend, i'm lucky like that.
Ha ha - I am currently holidaying at the site of much of my mis-spent youth, and it just looks like the valley of the vapid and the vacuous to me these days. Plus all the eye candy is sporting three day growth and that just looks grotty to me.
Anyhoo, must head downstairs or coffee so that cute French waiter can flirt with me and every other chick in the cafe and make me feel special. Shame the Italian waiter doesn't work in the place next door anymore, but that's another story.
Umm yeah, but back on track...I'm voting for a men of MV calendar!!!