2007 Vespa GTS 250ie
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2007 Vespa GTS 250ie
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I am considering buying a Vespa. I have spent many summers in Italy riding my friends 50 Special, and I really like the old manual, but I think the risk of buying a crappy old one is too great given my lack of mechanical ability (for upkeep). So I think a new one it is.

I am excited that Piaggio has released the Special-inspired 150 S, so I am drawn to this one. However yesterday I went to local dealer to sit on one and see how big it is. I am 6'2", so most scooters don't fit me too well. The 150 S was a little small, but not as small as my old Yamaha Zuma that I tooled around on for years before it was stolen.

While I was there, I saw the 250GTS and really liked the size and fit of it. Plus, they were having a sale on them and cost $4899. Compared to the $4199 of the 150S, it seems like the GTS gives you a LOT more bike for your money.

Any thoughts/recommendations or things to watch out for in my selection?

I am not buying until after Thanksgiving. I am going to Italy and seeing if I can find my dream-scooter and try to import it into the US -- a BMW C1. But I know going in that the chances are slim of finding one, let alone at a reasonable price, plus all the headaches of trying to import a discontinued German bike into CA!

I'm new to the forum but any info would be appreciated!
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2010 Dragon Red GTS 300 Super, 2018 Grigio Titanio Piaggio Liberty S 150
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2010 Dragon Red GTS 300 Super, 2018 Grigio Titanio Piaggio Liberty S 150
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For the difference in price of only $700 I would jump on the GTS and never look back. The GTS will give you more highway potential compared with the S 150, it will also give you much more passing power in the city if you ride aggressively. You're a big guy so I think you would probably appreciate the extra power and room of the GTS and with such a small price difference I cannot imagine not going for the GTS. Then again, I'm biased as I have a GTS.
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From someone who started off with a LX 150 (similar to the 150s), then sold it after 6 months and bought a GTS, I'm going to say get the GTS.

The fuel injection on the GTS makes it run much smoother than the the 150, and the increase in power will always put a smile on your face.
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CrownSeven wrote:
The fuel injection on the GTS makes it run much smoother than the the 150, and the increase in power will always put a smile on your face.
Leader engines are all going injected for 09
@benito avatar

2010 Dragon Red GTS 300 Super, 2018 Grigio Titanio Piaggio Liberty S 150
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2010 Dragon Red GTS 300 Super, 2018 Grigio Titanio Piaggio Liberty S 150
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smudger wrote:
CrownSeven wrote:
The fuel injection on the GTS makes it run much smoother than the the 150, and the increase in power will always put a smile on your face.
Leader engines are all going injected for 09
Are you sure? I had heard that it was just starting with the S 50 first.
@dani avatar

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gts 250 lx 150
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I am 5'4" 115lbs and purchased an LX150 in July----by Sept I bought a GTS 250. If you have even a slight interest in the 250-----go for it and save money in long run by not buying two (like me)----wanna buy my 150?? hahaha And that price is WAY super for a new one!!!! Go for it!!

yellow GTS250ie black GTS250ie
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yellow GTS250ie black GTS250ie
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that is a favulous price for a GTS. Get it. It won't be there when you return from your trip.
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That is certainly a great price on the 250. If that meets your needs , go for it. One question though. If you have ridden and like classic scoots, why not consider a late model PX150 or Stella as well? Even in California you can get them "almost new".

2005 GT 200
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you said the 150 really doesn't fit you well.

don't even think about getting it. and that 250 WILL be gone at that price. pull the trigger now.
@kathygnome avatar

2007 Yellow LX 150
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2007 Yellow LX 150
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While I was there, I saw the 250GTS and really liked the size and fit of it. Plus, they were having a sale on them and cost $4899. Compared to the $4199 of the 150S, it seems like the GTS gives you a LOT more bike for your money.
O M F G The list on a GTS is over 6000. I would jump on that in a second.

My LX 150 fits me great and is three months old and I'm already looking at upgrading to a GTS.
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Molto Verboso
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Molto Verboso
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That price is a tad over a grand savings from prices the past summer. I "love" my GTS and would not consider a different model. Like you, I'm fairly tall, and the shape of the GTS seat does not allow me to sit far enough back to be fully comfortable. I would like to sit about three inches farther back, but the ridge in the seat precludes doing that.

The GTS has plenty of power for suburban motoring. Much more than adequate for urban riding and a bit short for open road touring. You need to determine you needs and riding environment before deciding which displacement bike you purchase.
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S 150 is just so slow in comparison. And it's carburetted. Fuel injection is so much better.

MPG is slightly less on the GTS, maybe 15% worse. For the performance it's so worth it. Also a lot more stable above 40 mph.
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Vespa GTS , 300CC, Touring.
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Vespa GTS , 300CC, Touring.
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HI Trust you have the full bike test then, so you can ride it ?? i have the 125cc, and to be honest it is pretty good...but 62 ish, mph. after run in ? if i had the full test i would have gone for the 250 or even the 300 cc one. dont mess about, just get it now.....

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#1. Due to your height, the GTS will fit you better and be more comfortable than a "S". You'll also have substantially more power with the GTS.

#2. Something sounds wrong with the price. The "S" base price is exactly what you saw on the one in the showroom (plus freight, setup, tax, tag & title) The GTS is way, way , way below the going price. The GTS is extremely popular and for the last few months, dealers could sell every new one they could get their hands on for $5999 + freight + setup. I bought two this summer and with tax, tag & title, each one was around $7100 OTD (out the door). If you can get a new, 08 or 09 GTS for $4899, you'd better go back to that dealer today and buy it because it's not going to be there very long.
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TWO FIFTY! You will quickly tire of the 150 and wish you'd put the money toward a bigger model. With your size, the 150 will be uncomfortable to ride. Happy hunting!
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I'm an S rider but for that price I say get the 250. All the advantages above noted. The S is a good ride for me, I am shorter than you and it is an all around good fit for a rider with my limited experience. You have more riding experience and considering that fantastic price, get that 250.

Also if they are selling in CA like they are in KY (still in spite of the cooler weather here now). Buy it now, like the one guy said, it won't be there when you return from your trip. It may already be sold (waving hand in air like a Jedi) get it now, get it now. ROFL emoticon

2007 Vespa GTS 250ie
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2007 Vespa GTS 250ie
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just spoke with dealer
the dealer is still selling at great prices ...

He's got a silver 2007 that they used for a parade and so it has a few miles on it for ~$4700 and then the two reds and another silver for ~$5000.

Are there any mechanical or other issues I should worry about between a 2007 and 2009?

Thanks for all the replies. I may "pull the trigger" before I go to Italy, provided of course that my wife is OK with the idea ...

"Ma quanto e' bello andare in giro con le ali sotto i piedi!"
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GTS ( see below re: 250cc) 8)
@benito avatar

2010 Dragon Red GTS 300 Super, 2018 Grigio Titanio Piaggio Liberty S 150
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2010 Dragon Red GTS 300 Super, 2018 Grigio Titanio Piaggio Liberty S 150
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Re: just spoke with dealer
stefano00038 wrote:
the dealer is still selling at great prices ...

He's got a silver 2007 that they used for a parade and so it has a few miles on it for ~$4700 and then the two reds and another silver for ~$5000.

Are there any mechanical or other issues I should worry about between a 2007 and 2009?

Thanks for all the replies. I may "pull the trigger" before I go to Italy, provided of course that my wife is OK with the idea ...

"Ma quanto e' bello andare in giro con le ali sotto i piedi!"
There is nothing of significance between the 2007 and 2009 GTS's. There was an exhaust recall on earlier model GTS's but that should have been taken care of already and it didn't include all 2007 GTS's.
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