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2008 GTS 250 i.e.
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2008 GTS 250 i.e.
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tonight while riding home my GTS (650 miles) sputtered and stalled. Now it starts and runs only on the center stand. As soon as I roll it off the stand it stalls. While on the stand it starts and runs fine, I can give it gas and it revs fine. But as soon as I roll it off it I mmediately stalls. Now it's parked 4 miles from my home. Help! Can I fix this or should I just call the dealer?
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1985 PX200E Arcobaleno : 2010/14 GTS300 S: RIP GTS250 @ 40K
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1985 PX200E Arcobaleno : 2010/14 GTS300 S: RIP GTS250 @ 40K
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Main Fuse Blowing out on 2007 GTS with 18 miles on it (Post 236709)

I had a similar problem when I first got mine. The above link is my original post.

In a nut shell, the under seat pet carrier/tub was pinching a wire between the tub and frame causing a short. Check for any wires hanging over the edges of the frame.

Mine, every time I sat on the scoot, Id blow a fuse.

Also check: the plug wires on top of the fuel injector, Ive seen this problem on a GTV, when the lady would sit on the scoot, the scoot would cut out and spit and sputter, the tub was pinching down on the wires.

If you bought the scooter new, the dealer should cover it under warranty.

Good luck,

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El Macho
KTM Super Duke 1290, Vespa GTS 300
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El Macho
@dougl avatar
KTM Super Duke 1290, Vespa GTS 300
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This smacks of a spark plug wire being loose at either the plug cap or the coil. You need to remove the pug cap and feed the wire down beneath the scooter and screw the cap back on to the wire.
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