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Received the SIP catolog with the new Scoot magazine last week and can't find the asst. designs on their website (p48 of SIP's performance and style catolog) - anyone else out there find them/use them?

EDIT - never mind, just found the skull graphics for the Vespa on SIP and ordered them. (not sure how to delete a thread)
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There's a new issue of Scoot magazine out? What month/issue number?
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It came with Scoot! issue #47/lots of cool lambretta stuff in it too with some MV folks mentioned as well
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Geo-Vesp wrote:
It came with Scoot! issue #47/lots of cool lambretta stuff in it too with some MV folks mentioned as well
Is this the Cannonball Issue?
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got mine wrote:
Geo-Vesp wrote:
It came with Scoot! issue #47/lots of cool lambretta stuff in it too with some MV folks mentioned as well
Is this the Cannonball Issue?
I don't recall any Cannonball info in this one but haven't read the whole thing yet - I'm thinking it's not in this issue
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Yeah, I drooled over some of that SIP stuff until I noticed the prices were in EUROS and saw the shipping charges to the States. Crying or Very sad emoticon

This issue of Scoot didn't include any coverage of So Far So Good or Cannonball -- both were probably too close to their deadline. I expect to read about them in the next issue.
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