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I had been using the dealership in marina del rey for my regular oil changes, but after calling and asking about the servicing, particularly for my belt (since there has been some slipping), i got a weird vibe from the mechanic and wanted to see what my other options are.

i live in santa monica, but don't mind traveling a bit for decent service. i know there is the vespa shop in sherman oaks and also noho scooters, but i was wondering which offers the best service for the best price. noho is getting pretty far for me and would like to stay closer. sherman oaks isn't too bad and i wouldn't mind going there. is there anywhere on this side of the hill that is good?

thanks for the help
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I also live in Santa Monica. I've been using Vespa Thousand Oaks, where I bought my scooter. They have a van for deliveries and they're in WLA all the time for pick-ups, etc. There was a time when VTO seemed somewhat personna non grata on this board; but I've always felt very well treated by them.
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I live aorund Santa Monica too. I used the dealer at Marina for my 1st service, it was fine but very expensive. Now I'm on the time for my 2nd service and I made an appointment at Vespa T.O. I want to try something different.
I don't mind that it's far because it looks it will be a nice ride to go there.

Good to know you liked there!
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Re: Best repair shop in LA???
BRinSM wrote:
I had been using the dealership in marina del rey for my regular oil changes, but after calling and asking about the servicing, particularly for my belt (since there has been some slipping), i got a weird vibe from the mechanic and wanted to see what my other options are.

i live in santa monica, but don't mind traveling a bit for decent service. i know there is the vespa shop in sherman oaks and also noho scooters, but i was wondering which offers the best service for the best price. noho is getting pretty far for me and would like to stay closer. sherman oaks isn't too bad and i wouldn't mind going there. is there anywhere on this side of the hill that is good?

thanks for the help
that's were i bought and got my first service done.... i am still only around the 1200 mile mark, but what did they charge you for the oil changes?

and did they do anything else for that price ... cause i have a friend that is going to school to become a mechanic and does all our friends cars oil changes and other little things.... so i can get him to do the mundane things it will help save a buck or two.

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why not do your own servicing?

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I've been happy with Vespa Sherman Oaks

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my inlaws are in the thousand oaks area, so i could always take the scoot up there and hang out with them for a while its being worked on. its good to know this is an option.

as for the MDR dealership, it cost $75 for an oil change and thats all you get. I was originally quoted $40 or $50, but when i went to pick it up they told me about the synthetic oil so the price went way up. i've only had oil changes done there so i have no perspective of whether or not that is expensive, but it sure seems like it when you can get an oil change on a car for $20.

and to the comment about doing my own work on the bike, i just don't have the time, energy, tools, or know how so i'll leave it to the experts.
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Ive heard Browns in Pomona is pretty good.

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Where's Greasy?
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It's been said before, but I'll say it again. Greasy, the mechanical genius, is right up the 405 from you. Closer than the others suggested, too.
scooter shops in LA?
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Best shop? Wherever Greasy is working.

Also Mike Frankovich at NoHo Scooters has been really helpful.
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mistersmall wrote:
Where's Greasy?
*ping* *ping*

runnin' silent, runnin' deep hombre....

those who know, know; those that don't... well... best of luck to them.

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ks7877 wrote:
It's been said before, but I'll say it again. Greasy, the mechanical genius, is right up the 405 from you. Closer than the others suggested, too.
scooter shops in LA?

thanks a bunch, miss.

anytime you're in the area feel free to stop on by. even if it's for something cold to drink and a tire pressure check.

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Bobovespa wrote:
Best shop? Wherever Greasy is working.

Also Mike Frankovich at NoHo Scooters has been really helpful.
Bobo, you're too kind sir.

As an aside, i've never *actually* worked on any of bobo's bikes. however, one time i did give his GTV a once over before he rode from LA to Tuscon AZ.

And, yes, he did make it there-- and back!!

Also, i do swing wrenches over at NoHo Scooters from time to time...

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If I lived in LA and didn't work for a shop, Greasy would be the only one to touch my machine.
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Another vote for Greasy, who has been generous enough to share his Vespa-specific knowledge on this site.

Plus, if your timing is right, he'll show you his lizard.

SSR... shop talk...

cheers Laughing emoticon
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Who doesn't love Greasy?
I'll punch 'em in the face.
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