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I recently bought a GTS250 off a guy and he didn't do a great job of keeping the enginge and associated parts clean. It's got the typical road grime and crap all over it.

Does anyone have a recommendation on a chemical agent I can spray on the engine/parts and components to clean it? Is this safe?

Chemical spray on and a warm water (low flow) rinse out? Safe?


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01 ET2 - 01 ET4 -- 05 GT200L / 05 PX150 / 1986 Honda CH150 Deluxe.
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I have been using "Simple Green". It's Biodegradable, and smells nice. Works great too!
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Thanks Brian, I never would have thought about that. Besides degreaser cost too much, burns me eyes and smells bad.

Missed you on the Wrightwood ride.

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I use Dawn dishwashing soap in a spray bottle. Mix a pretty healthy solution of hot water and Dawn and spray it on the engine then after 5 minutes simply spray with the hose ( low pressure water) After 10 minutes to let it drip then just run around the block and it will be dry. One thing however. There is a wiring harness connector at the front of the bike that rests on a sheet metal lip. Ive had a few issues if that gets wet and lays in a puddle of water that forms on the sheet metal lip. I always dry that area be hand and even unplug the connector and dry it then spray with some silicone spray and reconnect. No problems after I do this.
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I completely forgot about Simply Green. Yay for non-Earth harming detergents! It's not as caustic as I'd like but I don't think the build up on the engine is that bad.

Thanks all!
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Simple Green is pretty fantastic. It's also good for cleaning vinyl.
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I like PJ1 supercleaner. It is like contact cleaner for electrical parts. It is a great degreaser. It evaporates very fast but I usually hit the spot with a little soap and water as well when I use it while washing the bike.
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Cleaning Chrome
Has anyone heard of this method?

Ball up some aluminium foil and dip it in water and then rub vigorously over the chrome. It's supposed to take corrosion and spots off instantly.

Is this safe on Vespa chrome?
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That's a old trick I use to use on my bike with i was really young. Im not sure about vespa chrome but it does work
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Hey Papa Smurf
My wife and I just moved to San Francisco from Cincinnati (Maineville) about a year ago. Both born and raised. I worked at 5/3.

How bout you?

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Born in Charleston WVA and moved to Cincinnati when I was 4. Lived here ever since. I work at a small machine tool company as the sales manager and been riding scooters since 95. First bike was a Honda Aero80. What a dog but a good machine to learn on. My wife was riding a Honda Spre 50cc. In 2003 we traded up to ET4's and last year I traded up for a GTS and She went with the BV250. Too bad you dont still live around here. We have joined a Scooter Club called Ten Years Late in 2004 and been riding and drinking ever since.
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Hilarious. I just bought my first scooter a few weeks ago. Lucky for me all the riding I do is straight with minimal turns

Just waiting for "winter" to hit - rain, constantly. Blargh.

We're hoping to come back for Xmas this year.

Good luck and all!
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