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1980 P200E - "Old Rusty", 1976 ET3 Primavera
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1980 P200E - "Old Rusty", 1976 ET3 Primavera
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Alright, I missed it by a post or so because I was too busy discussing Vespas.

Well I want a toaster or something!

In the meantime, I'll celebrate by showing something NOT scooter related off.

I've been restoring a 1923 white mountain hand crank icecream maker. Here it is... paint scheme is based largely on the original appearance. You shoulda seen its condition before... Still a few spots to finish rust-treating, but I'll probably make some icecream in it this weekend!
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Oh, ah, black cherry pieces in a vanilla bean base for me, please. Dibs on the paddle.
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1980 P200E - "Old Rusty", 1976 ET3 Primavera
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1980 P200E - "Old Rusty", 1976 ET3 Primavera
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redhandmoto wrote:
Oh, ah, black cherry pieces in a vanilla bean base for me, please. Dibs on the paddle.
Coming up! Next? Laughing emoticon
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GTS 250 "Audrey"
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I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream
Very cool. Here's mine (also a White Mtn. Freezer) from Boston, now rusting in Florida. My wife and I cleaned it up after we found it in her cellar, and matched the paint pretty closely to that which it had. It's more yellow than the picture shows. We made ice cream a couple of times, and it was quite good and creamy. Do you have a recipe? I don't remember what we did -- too many years ago. Have fun!
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1980 P200E - "Old Rusty", 1976 ET3 Primavera
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1980 P200E - "Old Rusty", 1976 ET3 Primavera
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I looked some neat recipes up online. Even found a chai one which I think would be amazing.
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2005 GT 200L Grigio_Smoky a.k.a. "Il Grande Lebowski"
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2005 GT 200L Grigio_Smoky a.k.a. "Il Grande Lebowski"
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Props to you both for the old-school ice cream makers! I totally cheated and bought a semi-commercial ice cream maker. It's like cheating. Plug in in, pour in the custard, click a couple of buttons.

And congrats to xantufrog on the toaster! I'm nearing toaster-eligibility myself!
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1980 P200E - "Old Rusty", 1976 ET3 Primavera
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1980 P200E - "Old Rusty", 1976 ET3 Primavera
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QuipMC wrote:
Props to you both for the old-school ice cream makers! I totally cheated and bought a semi-commercial ice cream maker. It's like cheating. Plug in in, pour in the custard, click a couple of buttons.

And congrats to xantufrog on the toaster! I'm nearing toaster-eligibility myself!
Thanks! I'm gonna make some sweet toast to go with my ice cream
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