It had just rained, and I wasn't thinking much about it's effect on certain kinds of concrete (parking deck concrete, stuff that isn't as rough as the normal stuff, I suppose so it doesn't drink up dripping oils) and felt a little wobble. I was taking a turn, and tried to slow immediately but fell straight over. Don't remember much of what happened....are they designed so your legs don't get caught under the thing, or did my leg just naturally move out of the way, cause I did take my feet off the foot rest and put them on the ground....not my big question, but something I'd like to hear from your collective experiences.
My question, is that wobble the same thing I would feel at higher speeds? I did read through the Riding Tips topic, and perhaps I should just ask there, but I thought this question wasn't really covered. I need tales from the experienced!
I have heard about that Proficient Motorcycling book, just yesterday, actually, and am definitely interested in reading it. Did anyone else find it as helpful as I hear it is?
Damage was extremely minimal, if anyone is wondering. I have already dumped it (or whatever the term is for having it fall over while it's at rest) on the same side and didn't see any addition damage, which I'm attributing to the slickness of the concrete. Gotta love how they are designed; the stuff that people stare at stays completely untouched in a tip over. So nice. Also, would damage like that be covered in the warranty?