My rdiator hose became disconnected today while i was on the 85 freeway. Luckily i happened to look down at my instrument panel when i did because i think if i had gone any further my new scoot might have been toast.
The temp gauge was flashing on and off from cold to hot and and when i saw this i instantly freaked out and pulled right off the freeway. When i came to a stop steam was coming from under the scoot and it didn't sound to good. I lifted the seat and removed the pet carrier and sure enough the radiator hose was disconnected spewing coolant all over my new scoot.
When i examined the situation i realized that the clamp they used for this critical part was a POS. Luckily i happedned to end up right next to Kraegens auto so i was able to purchase some 50/50 coolant and a much better clamp that i know is not going to come off unless i remove it. Thank Jeebus that after putting everything back together the scooter was fine sounded like normal and i was able to make it home. The first thing i'm going to do when i get a chance is change out all the funky clamps.