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Benito wrote:
ks7877 wrote:
snapshot05 wrote:
...Besides Karen seem to like your lizard...
I haven't had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of Greasy's lizard. Soon, I hope. Then I can say, "Who doesn't love Greasy's lizard? I'll punch 'em in the face!"

Ooooh, here's an idea. I have a friend who runs an exotic pet store in the Valley. I'll bet he can round up a couple of good-looking, fun-loving lady lizards. Now all that's needed is a mini roulette wheel.
LOVE it! You should put that in your sig. line.
Id bet money she would do it. Especially if your holding a camera.

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so... after the little bugger startled me for the umpteenth time today i figured he's here to stay and i've named him.

i thought that Sir Douglas was rather fitting

he likes newcastle, and still resides under my workbench.

oh, and he's been eating the ants and spiders.

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greasy125 wrote:
so... after the little bugger startled me for the umpteenth time today i figured he's here to stay and i've named him.

i thought that Sir Douglas was rather fitting

he likes newcastle, and still resides under my workbench.

oh, and he's been eating the ants and spiders.

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We want to see Sir Douglas. 8)
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Definitely a good luck omen. Give generous, frequent libations.

The totem animal of the town where I lived in Senegal, West Africa was a giant lizard-- much revered! 8)

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salty dodd wrote:
<edit> Hey, almost a thousand posts!
We're reaching milestones at the same time.

salty: M!! pdxvespa: VM!!!

Congratulations! Now step away from the keyboard and go hop on your scooter---

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Re: SSR... shop talk...
greasy125 wrote:
ugh, i hate lizards and snakes.

You so just set yourself up for some serious rally shinanigans, ask Thom, he hates teabags.
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When I lived in San Antonio there was a lizard that lived in my kitchen. The only time I ever saw it wasif I got up in the middle of the night and turned on the light in the kitchen. You might not ever see it again. If you do just remember the old yarn. It is more scared of you than you are of it. (Although I do not know he point of that saying.)
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I vote to keep the lizard...If he gets big enough you can train him to fetch your beers! But if he tries to sell you insurance he may need to be whacked!
⬆️    About 1 year elapsed    ⬇️
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I watched about four or five lizards playing chase this afternoon. Reminded me of this thread.

Is Sir Douglas still enjoying Newcastle, ants and spiders?
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I started reading this tread...my vote is always keep the lizard and make sure to take care of it. Where we live (along with Judy) the lizards / geckos keep the roach population down.

I've found out many folks have an strong aversion to lizards / geckos...I don't.

It's those large B-52 like roaches we have here in Hawaii that I don't like...you see them walking down a sidewalk and you just turn around and avoid a confrontation...if you have no option you may need to resort to a can of Raid (don't like doing it but sometimes you don't have an option)...Oh yes ...one full can per one large roach...expensive...hence as mentioned earlier you avoid a confrontation...
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weirdest thread ever
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If he's gonna stay, treat 'em right. Get him some lizard porn;

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I have a skink like this one in my shop:
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He (she?) is really beautiful, with his bright iridescent blue tail.

I enjoy having him around.
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Reminds me of Jim Stafford (and a very young Dolly Parton):

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Don't live there any more, but in VT...

My Puch moped started running poorly and then choking out. I also noticed missing insulation around the ceiling of the shop. I found that over the winter mice had somehow got inside the frame and built a nest, and this was choking off air to the air filter. The nest was made out of the insulation. Luckily, the mouse did not die in there. No, I found him dead on the floor one day, chewed up from something. That's when the raccoon sightings began. Thanks my furry friends! But just when the raccoon was beginning to become a nuisance with the trash in the shop it got chased off... by birds which had moved in and made a home in the rafters... using the holes the deceased mouse had made in the insulation to get up there. These territorial birds actually chased the raccoon off, probably because of the adorable nest they had made up there. But they also coated everything in the shop with poop. Thank goodness for the Fisher which came and raided their nest for sustenance... the birds left after that. Around that time the neighbor's kitten was killed by a Fisher Cat. Hm...

That shop was a magical portal into the cycle of life, let me tell you.
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