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So the rubber weather strip under the seat is loose and keeps slipping out of it's track. Even after I pushed it back in, it still comes out and dangles around when I open the seat. Is it suposed to be glued? Looks to me like it should just snap back onto place... How do I get it to stay put?


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Re: rubber weather strip under seat - loose
dkrz123 wrote:
So the rubber weather strip under the seat is loose and keeps slipping out of it's track. Even after I pushed it back in, it still comes out and dangles around when I open the seat. Is it suposed to be glued? Looks to me like it should just snap back onto place... How do I get it to stay put?


I had to spot glue mine - same issue. The seal has a "barbed" ridge that snaps into the track. It seemed that it required a bit more pressure than you'd think to snap in. Regardless mine came ;loose again so I spot glued it about every foot.
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R.I.P. ----K.I.T.T.500, Agent Orange (400)
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What sort of glue did you use?
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luthorhuss wrote:
What sort of glue did you use?
Generic airplane type. Probably what would work best is a weatherstrip adhesive - 3M makes the best - we called it "Gorilla Snot".

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BubbaJon wrote:
luthorhuss wrote:
What sort of glue did you use?
Generic airplane type. Probably what would work best is a weatherstrip adhesive - 3M makes the best - we called it "Gorilla Snot".
10x on the Gorilla Snot

Read directions.

Wayne B
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Gorilla snot it is then. Thanks. You know, this shouldn't really bother me but it does. First the "hose fix" and now this. Really has me questioning the quality of such an expensve machine. I hate these little chicky chock fixes...
When do the plastic side panels start falling off?
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