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Piaggio BV250
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Location: washington, dc
@joshsur12 avatar
Piaggio BV250
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Location: washington, dc
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I just bought a used bv250 w/ 1300 mi on it. It started and ran ok for a few days then the weather got cold. It turns over (and over and over) when I turn the key. Sometimes it will even make a "I'm going to start noise" then more turning over. If the weather is above 65 degrees it starts a little easier. Also it runs a little rough (once it's going) between 5-20 mph.

The owner removed the California emissions stuff and he said he did that because it was having starting and stalling issues. I will take it to the dealer to get a tune-up as soon as they have a "spot" but in the meantime.

Does anyone have any thoughts on how to start a cold BV250 with carb?

Thanks Much!!!

bv 250
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bv 250
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Location: st. augustine
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Are you twisting the throttle any? Carbs aren't like fuel injection sometimes you have to work the gas just right in cold weather especially if the automatic choke is malfunctioning. On my bv250 I twist the throttle about halfway, push the starter, and then when it starts to catch floor it for a second till its running then let go off the throttle. You might want to adjust your idle, check the spark plug, and clean the air filter.
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