(The topcase wasn't latched shut for the photos, so it might make the strips seem out of alignment. In the last image in the series, from directly in front, the view of the lights is highly distorted by the windshield.)
The strips are adhesive-backed, but I added a bead of hot glue all around to keep water and dirt from degrading the seal. The wiring is attached with a "flat four" trailer connection, so the topcase can be easily removed from the bike.
The LEDs draw so little that the bike doesn't seem to know they're there; I can't discern any difference in the timing, and the stock bulbs light up just as they did before.
The strips are part #WFLS-Y30 (W for waterproof, Y for yellow), from superbrightleds.com:
While I had everything apart, I tapped into the brake light wire so it will be easy to add a third brake light. That will be a red, 6-LED unit, also waterproof, part #MCM-R6:
Also ordered a pair of these 4-LED pods, in amber (part #ALM-OB-A4), to mount on the inside top edges of the windshield to help remind me to turn off my blinker. Of course they will be visible to other drivers as well.
⚠️ Last edited by ramblerdan on UTC; edited 2 times