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R.I.P. ----K.I.T.T.500, Agent Orange (400)
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So, with all the serious talk we have about winter clothes, windscreens, mods, etc. I thought it would be nice to do a 'silly' line for all us AVID Mp3'ers : TOP WAYS YOU CAN TELL YOU'RE IN TO YOUR NEW MP3 TOO MUCH!

So Here goes...

1. You carry your shock adjuster tool on a key chain
2. You've started a new Photo Album just for your Mp3
3. You can recite all the PSI values for both front and rear tires with and without passengers from memory
4. You've ever had a Car Dealer hang up ON YOU because you're checking on your Mp3 delivery every hour
5. You start a topic post just to make yourself fell "less" obsessed
You don't curl up to a good book, you curl up to a good mp3...
You don't curl up to a good book, you curl up to a good mp3...
Another day out with the kids...
Another day out with the kids...
@redfone avatar

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You snap and hurt people when they call it a moped!
@jerryw avatar

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When people tell you, "Yeah, I saw that other bike, the Pan Am," you get red in the face as you explain the MP3 is "ridden," like a motorcyle, not driven like a car and they are nothing alike.

Piaggio MP3 400
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When your husband and kids tell everyone their mom likes her bike more than she likes them!

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When someone is talking to you, you look them straight in the eyes and think about installing your next mod....making the usual deceptive noises one makes when acknowledging points in the "conversation." Ahhh...uh huh...good...me too....hmmm.

I haven't done this.....I've just heard...... 8)

@bubbajon avatar

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You fall out of bed clutching your pillow while riding a dream twisty. (I'm embarrassed to say I did!)
@midtn avatar

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You have included a line item in your budget for MP3 mods!
@luthorhuss avatar

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@luthorhuss avatar
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You're $$ spent on add-ons is quickly reaching the same $ you spent for the mp3 itself 8)

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BubbaJon wrote:
You fall out of bed clutching your pillow while riding a dream twisty. (I'm embarrassed to say I did!)
When luthorhuss falls out of bed, he is clutching the MP3 and it falls with him

Had a Piaggio MP3 250ie Graphite Black
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Had a Piaggio MP3 250ie Graphite Black
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Ahem. I *could* be guilty of many of these offences, your honour...

Perhaps not the "dream twisties" yet. Give it time...

You regularly stand up on your floorboards in stopped traffic (with park brake and lock on) "just because you can".
@hepworth avatar

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After you get off your bike from a nice ride and take your GPS unit into the house. It keeps telling you to make a "U" turn to go back to your scooter.
@luthorhuss avatar

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@luthorhuss avatar
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When you ride so much that coming round a twisty on the way home, you pass yourself just heading out for the day...
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Also when you ride it around your block and put 53000 miles on it in less than 2 years.. Laughing emoticon I think I am ready for my 3rd clutch..
@chillicrab avatar

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.. when you try to look for a tilt lock button as you're falling over after having one too many.

@dutchman avatar

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When you come home in a rainstorm and you tell your wife you had a great ride.

I did that yesterday and I realy had a great 40 miles ride.
@hepworth avatar

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When you do a search on Google for MP3 850 and you get 10,700,000 hits, you have a panic attack because you know its got to be in there somewhere....it just "has" to be.
@jacq avatar

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Somebody you know turned her entire dining room into a motorcycle emsemble dressing room complete with a cheap Walmart closet ..... .......
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@luthorhuss avatar

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@luthorhuss avatar
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Hey! Those are some sharp jackets and helmets!
@jacq avatar

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@jacq avatar
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You get HOOKED on modernvespa.com...Cheers...jacq
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Jacq wrote:
You get HOOKED on modernvespa.com...Cheers...jacq
@dutchman avatar

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Jacq wrote:
You get HOOKED on modernvespa.com...Cheers...jacq
I,m not hooked, I only fisit 5,6,7,8,9,10...........times a day.

Allright: I am Dutchman and I am hooked on modernvespa.com
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When, the only way you'd add a 4th wheel is
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this way!
@chillicrab avatar

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vortexau wrote:
When, the only way you'd add a 4th wheel is
External inline image provided by member with no explanatory text
this way!
is that a coffin a wheel?

@hepworth avatar

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Dutchman wrote:
Jacq wrote:
You get HOOKED on modernvespa.com...Cheers...jacq
I,m not hooked, I only fisit 5,6,7,8,9,10...........times a day.

Allright: I am Dutchman and I am hooked on modernvespa.com
A true addict will never admit he's an addict. He will only state he is hooked. My friend, you are truely addicted.
@luthorhuss avatar

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@luthorhuss avatar
R.I.P. ----K.I.T.T.500, Agent Orange (400)
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You mean...
Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text
@luthorhuss avatar

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@luthorhuss avatar
R.I.P. ----K.I.T.T.500, Agent Orange (400)
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You know it when you have already read and replied to any post that pops up on the forums before it even has time to register in your email...
@turbojav avatar

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Although you have no ability to plan your own life, you have committed to memory a list of short, medium and long-term mods.

You mod your mods. (e.g. add lighting to topcase). You then mod the mod of your mods (add customized cutouts of 3M reflective tape under addmore lighting).

You purposefully don't learn about certain mods (J. Costa variator anyone?) so that you don't get obsessed with them.

You dream of turning a motorized trike into a full life support system, complete with heat, lights, water, music, communications, and a helpful computer that talks to you.

And finally, when there is little traffic, you find yourself more relaxed on your MP3 than at any other point in your day.
⚠️ Last edited by Turbojav on UTC; edited 1 time
@ramblerdan avatar

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Turbojav wrote:
You purposefully don't learn about certain mods (J. Costa variator anyone?) so that you don't get obsessed with them.
Oh, so true!
@jacq avatar

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@jacq avatar
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Although you have no ability to plan your own life, you have committed to memory a list of short, medium and long-term mods.

And finally, when there is little traffic, you find yourself more relaxed on your MP3 than at any other point in your day.
I actually enjoy sitting at lights and stopped in traffic. I find myself tapping my right foot on the pavement when stopped. Even though it looks like, I don't have a music player of any kind. I'm just enjoying being alive....Is this sick? IF so, I don't want to get well.
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