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Geo-Vesp wrote:
... so that I can ride year round with my Corazzo Shop on and nothing else ...
As I'm often told: 'PUT SOME DAMN PANTS ON!'
@geo-vesp avatar

PX150 Serie America, T5 Classic, Harley Iron 883
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PX150 Serie America, T5 Classic, Harley Iron 883
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ROFL emoticon oops, guess I need to watch my sentences a little closer - I should have said a jacket and shorts or ...
@snapshot05 avatar

1985 PX200E Arcobaleno : 2010/14 GTS300 S: RIP GTS250 @ 40K
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1985 PX200E Arcobaleno : 2010/14 GTS300 S: RIP GTS250 @ 40K
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Scooters dont kill people in small cars like an SUV can.
@xantufrog avatar

1980 P200E - "Old Rusty", 1976 ET3 Primavera
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1980 P200E - "Old Rusty", 1976 ET3 Primavera
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snapshot05 wrote:
Scooters dont kill people in small cars like an SUV can.
Don't get my dreams of superiority going again! 8)

yellow GTS250ie black GTS250ie
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yellow GTS250ie black GTS250ie
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I REALLY don't give a hoot
I'm riding my scoot
@theoz avatar

Sir Frets-A-Lot
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Sir Frets-A-Lot
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Sadie wrote:
I REALLY don't give a hoot
I'm riding my scoot
Yeaup. Exactly.

I ride what I ride, because thats what I feel like riding. Today I'll be replacing my 90's seals, and then I'll be using that as a daily rider among others, which means i might as well be wrapping some coke 6 pack nets and string them around baby seals, then feed a dolphin some hydrolic brake fluid.

Oh well. Good thing there aren't a shit ton of people doing this sort of thing.
@no_cattle avatar

Molto Verboso
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Molto Verboso
@no_cattle avatar
2005 ET2 70cc, 14 mirrors, 2 headlights, lots of LEDs and a 2005 GT200 restored after a crash, 1978 SIL Lambretta GP200 and a 1983 Cushman Truckster
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RedOrGreen wrote:
El Josh AKA Ruby wrote:
dandydan wrote:
baadaaboo wrote:
4) harley will never make small motorcycles
What about the Harley Topper?
Didn't I read somewhere that HD just bought a scooter company or is going to start selling scoots?
They bought MV Augusta, which makes megabuck litre+ sportbikes. Not really scooters.
Italian motorbike company Meccanica Verghera (commonly called MV) was indeed bought by Harley Davidson. MV like Piaggio was an post-war offshoot of a parent aviation company. MV came from Augusta, the Italian helicopter manufacturer. Anyway, MV used to make a scooter from 1949-54 called the Chicco.

Interesting aside. MV's first two stroke 98cc step-over motorcycle in 1946 was originally named VESPA, believe it or not. However, Piaggio registered the name first, so the bike was instead called MV98.

Nice write-up in August's Scootering mag. on the MV Chicco. Very rare.
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