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The Need Help with a P200 thread got me wondering. How long can I let my P sit before it starts to have problems. Since I have a busted leg, I can't ride until, I estimate, late December or January. Should I try to get someone to take my P out for a spin every once in a while or will it be just fine? BTW, it's got a full tank of gas.
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When I broke my leg, sorry, when my friend broke my leg, no that's not right...

Anyway, what I did with my Rally was to hobble out and start it twice a week or so and let it run for five or ten minutes. It's a bitch to start when you can't stand on one foot, though.
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Maybe Barry was taking my Allstate out to keep it running, but when he dropped it off the other day, he started it and rode around the garage. WTF!? It has been in his shop for over a month and he got it running on the first kick? I unhooked my battery on the GTS since I don't have an outlet in my garage.

I would love to help you, but we're both in the same sucky situation. I'm still waiting for "volunteers" to take my 696 out. Razz emoticon You think I can hit 4000 rpm in my garage for a few mins?
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You should be fine just put a little sea foam in the gas ,has the engine ever been rebuilt???
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our P200 sat for about 3-4 months, and started up under 5 kicks..battery was dead though..
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I'll come over and take it out for you...
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thefuzzylogic wrote:

I'll come over and take it out for you...
I was gonna say. Vin, you've got clubmates who'll be more than happy to stea-er, borrow your P for a while.

Anyway, use a fuel stabilizer. You'll gum up your carb otherwise. I forget, how long are you laid up for?
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I have one I raide about once a year. It always starts right up. We've had bikes that have been sitting for years, start right up, but that's not the norm. There a fuel stabilizers you can add to the tank.
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In agreement, My sprint sits a lot since the GT came into my life, but it always starts within 3-4 kicks.
Speed recovery!
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there are three items that will break down from non-use: gas, batteries, and seals/oil.

gas and batteries can be a matter of months, seals and oil would be a matter of years (a lot). a couple months of a bike just sitting there won't hurt a thing, but to prolong the life of the battery, throw a 12 dollar float charger on it. i wouldn't dick with the gas other than get some fresh stuff in there when you're ready to go.

sorry about your leg.
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thefuzzylogic wrote:

I'll come over and take it out for you...
TheO.Z. wrote:
I was gonna say. Vin, you've got clubmates who'll be more than happy to stea-er, borrow your P for a while.
Come over whenever - seriously. I figured you guys thought I wasn't serious when I mentioned it
TheO.Z. wrote:
I forget, how long are you laid up for?
I should be able to put weight on the leg by around Thanksgiving. Then I start physical therapy, which they say is about another six weeks. So, maybe early January before I can start riding again. Although, my [aggressive] goal is to be in good enough shape to test ride bikes at the Int'l Moto Show in December (yeah, ambitious probably).
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FireJ wrote:
... has the engine ever been rebuilt???
Yes, it was rebuilt about 1500 miles ago. Just curious, why would that matter?
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