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Hi everyone, I woke up this morning to my dismay and found someone ripped out my left turn assembly (the left light pod) on my Vespa LX150. It appears they didn't break anything on the fairing, just the bracket of the light assembly.

Does anyone know of any sites that sell OEM parts, specifically a left turn signal pod (for a 2008 LX150)? I've check scooterwest and scooterparts but I'm coming up with no luck. Can anyone suggest sites that I don't know of?

Thanks in advance!!
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Other than Vespa SF? If they're doing OTC parts sales - Tanya?

How about posting 'Wanted,' in the For Sale section, as a lot of the kids are doing the Euro Conversion so there have got to be a lot of homeless turn signals: which is an option for you and probably cheaper, plus you can buy it from MV sponsor Motorsportscooters.
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Good idea, I'll post something in the wanted forums today.

Yea my last alternative was to take it into vespa SF, was just hoping I could find an inexpensive solution because it looks like all it needs is connecting the wires and screwing it in.
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vespaeastside.com, we have these in stock.
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1985 PX200E Arcobaleno : 2010/14 GTS300 S: RIP GTS250 @ 40K
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Linda at Vespa Thousand Oaks can help you if the beautiful Tanya cant.

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