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2009 MP3 400ie
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@mplkn avatar
2009 MP3 400ie
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Howdy all -

Say, there's a 10 lb. difference in pressure recommended for the rear tire for driver, or driver plus passenger.

After dropping off a passenger, the extra tire pressure clearly feels a little too hard for driver alone. Same time, adding the passenger without increasing the rear tire pressure seems sure to result in too much weight on a too-soft tire.

So here's the question: what do you folks do, who need to carry a passenger from time to time? Is there a "happy medium" pressure, not too hard for the single rider, nor too soft for 2-up?

I've started carrying a hand pump in the glove box, since the right pressure sure feels right. But it would be nice to find that happy medium.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions...

Best wishes,
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I had kind of a similar question a while ago. Check out this thread Yet Another Question About Tires
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1985 PX200E Arcobaleno : 2010/14 GTS300 S: RIP GTS250 @ 40K
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1985 PX200E Arcobaleno : 2010/14 GTS300 S: RIP GTS250 @ 40K
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I run 30lbs in front and 30lbs in the back, thats what VTO suggested.

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