Here's the work I had done on my {sniff, sob} FORMER modern, Lenore.
Lenore~ GT200 modifications : GTS seat, gills, powdercoating
I've done all four options on scoot bits:
Home "metal" paint - Designed for application on metal, yet scratched and dinged anyway, even with surface pre-treatment.
Jettin: Powdercoating - Excellent work!! Well worth the price and my trip to LA twice. They will powdercoat anything you can ship them - no need to worry about being local.
Jettin: Wet paint - As Andrea said, the mirrors will need to be wet painted, because the rubber and mirror itself does not come apart from the stem. So Johnny matched the metallic powdercoat I had done and wet painted them to match. Nice work, too!
Local powdercoating - Also a great experience. I have a local powdercoater who does same day long as it is black. : ) He's done racks for me as cheap as $20 and picked it up the next day.