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I'm curious about something I'm hoping the MV Community, which I have only recently joined, can enlighten me...a few things, actually.

How many Latino/Hispanic scooter riders are there?

And - related question - in Latino or Hispanic communities - how are Scooters - and their riders - perceived?

I'm a Latino - my Dad was from Bolivia and I grew up in SoCal - and I know from personal experience the Latino traditions in the U.S. - from Chicanos to Tejanos to PuertoRiquenos to Cubanos to name a few - are rich and varied. But I haven't seen the kind of Scooter Fever that I witnessed first hand several years ago when I spent a few months in Barcelona - and saw how crazy and passionate the Spaniards are about their scooters...

Which makes me curious - do other American Latinos share the Scooter Fever? In Italian, we talk about being 'ossessoniato' (obsessed) with Scooters - in Spanish, people often use the Spanish word 'pasion' (yes, it means the same as in English - though with perhaps a little more Latin Zing)...

Do Latino Scooteristas have it?

Or do all 'Scooteristas' have a little Latin/Latino madness in them?

In Spanish we say apasionado (passionate) and apasionante (exciting) - and obvoiusly both apply to scooters. But - if you ride your Scooter back into the Barrio....will people think you're cool? Sexy? Or....a Scooter Nerd?

What do you think? Que piensan ustedes?

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I am a latino male in Phoenix Arizona and personally..... I think I am one of the few latinos in the valley on a new vespa. Most of the riders I have met that are latino are riding the vintage vespas. Not many of us here period.

Now how I personally am perceived, I am left alone on the road but at Work!!!!! Man those guys make me wanna wring their necks every time they call my scooter a moped. The other name I hear alot referred to my scooter is Faggio(Gta fans know this name) They are just other riders clowning though. A few just have no clue about bikes period and just talking outta their asses.

Now! I could care less if I was the only scooter rider in the valley. I love it. I am riding. The rest can Kiss my Brown arse.

Do what you love. Those who love you will love you for being you. RIDE DAMNIT!!!!!
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Try being a hispanic female in the bassawkards state i am in. Strange looks for sure
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My grandfather was from Spain. La Coruna.

I'd love to get a serveta one day as tribute.

My grandmother was from Ireland, so I'm a mutt and folks generally don't think of me as Hispanic so I can't speak to a perception as a Hispanic scooter rider.

People who know me know my roots. No one bats an eye. Usually talk goes immediately to the Lambretta and serveta series. All good things.

Not sure if that answers the question, but as my wife will tell you passion about Vespa's (and scooters in general) is something I do have and most everyone who knows me knows it too.
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Don't try this at Home, Kiddies
The crazy Latino Scooter spirit - what we might call "El Alma del Barrio" (The Soul of the Neighborhood! - which is also the name of a popular weekend Salsa show on an NPR Radio Station in SoCal) - might be best typified by the following photo, which came to me courtesy of a Mexican scooter and motorcycle club (yes! the two can co-exist) in the Mexican state of Guerrero, called Motomania. Check this out...
The use of helmets, while optional in other parts of the world, is mandatory here, muchachos and muchachas!
The use of helmets, while optional in other parts of the world, is mandatory here, muchachos and muchachas!
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tlara wrote:
Try being a hispanic female in the bassawkards state i am in. Strange looks for sure
I was an Asian male in your state for 8 years. Glad to be in CA.
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tlara wrote:
Try being a hispanic female in the bassawkards state i am in. Strange looks for sure
Hey, tlara, I read somewhere that Oklahoma's Latino population nearly doubled since 2000 and that now (in 2008) Latinos/Hispanics make up almost 7 % of the total state. I know that may not seem like a lot compared to states like Arizona (where the Latino population is around 40%!) or Texas (where it's over 35%) but if the trend continues maybe Okies will be a lot more diverse this century.

But I'm curious - what kind of reactions do you get from people in Latino neighborhoods? I know there's a lot of Macho pride in some Hispanic traditions - so what do people think when they see a Chica Latina riding in 2-wheel scooting style? Do they give you strange looks too? Or do they give you smiles and thumbs up?

I know what I would say: Que Viva las Chicas Scooteristas de Oklahoma!

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I'm latino.

Actually almost half of my club is latino.
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Hola Miguel,

I'm Mexican-American and I live in Los Angeles. I don't worry about how others perceive me while riding my scoot. My fiance likes my scooter and she's even wanting to ride 2 up.

I use my scooter to commute to work 5 days a week. On the weekend I usually use my Audi A3, but on occasions, I'll ride the scoot. Razz emoticon

The last couple of events/rallies I've attended, the Latino population make was low, I could count them with my fingers. However, I don't pay attention to peoples races at these events. I'm just there to have fun 8) and meet others that share "esta pasion de motonetas" (the obsession with scooters).

The other brother I sometimes have had the pleasure of hanging out with on some rides is Snapshot05, aka Manny, he's one cool gato (cat) and of course the others that I have met, reverend, rex, the quinns, Linda, trojanscoot, eric, vic4ferrari (sic), wantang (david), and others that I cannot recall their names.

It's all about the zen of riding the vespa.

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I'm not Mexican but I did grow up in San Diego. I like to think I'm part Mexican by association. Does that count?
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anthony wrote:
I was an Asian male
What are you now???
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VP1 wrote:
anthony wrote:
I was an Asian male
What are you now???
hahah you got me laughin' now
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TheO.Z. wrote:
I'm latino.

Actually almost half of my club is latino.
If we consider Francis half Latino, then our club is exactly half.

Oz and me + half of Francis = 2.5 latino

Total of 5 members 8)
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TheO.Z. wrote:
I'm latino.

Actually almost half of my club is latino.
So - I'm curious - how many Latino Scooterists does that make?

And - I know a lot of scooter clubs go on pretty scenic trips and routes outside of urban areas, but......do you guys go on rides or cruises, say, in the Mission District? You know, like the old tradition from the 19th Century which has survived through the years of people going on a Paseo around the Plaza - which is an old-fashioned way of saying that you go Cruising down the Main Drag in the Barrio....does that happen in the Bay Area?
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Latino Scooter Style South of the Border
Here's the WAY COOL logo of the only Scooter Group I know of in Tijuana - the Club Maxima Velocidad - which as I understand it are a bunch of Scooteristas Mexicanos who share "esta pasion de motonetas" - primarily Vespas but I think some other scooters as well....

But check out the cool graphic!

Maxima Velocidad....the Latino way of saying....Full Out Top Speed!
Maxima Velocidad....the Latino way of saying....Full Out Top Speed!
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I don't think it counts but I lived in Bogota, Colombia for several years and speak Spanish.
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Here in NM the latino riders are not a huge percentage, more damas than dudes it seems. But they are a vocal and lively bunch, and they do ride hard. I guess of the locals I know the hispanics are a 25% minority of the scooting crowd. R
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I'm Puertorriqueño (Puerto Rican) that's were my name comes from; "VESPARICAN" 8) . Here in Puerto Rico we call each other and ride every weekend. I ride my bike everyday. it has over 20,000 miles in less than 4 years!. Once a year we have our "Nacional de Vespas" were we gather well over +60 Vespas and go for at least 150 miles ride. If you want to know more about us PM me. And any time you want to get away from the snow and desire to come to "La Isla del Encanto" let me know I'll hook you up.


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I'm Costa Rican and until now I hadn't thought about this topic.
Most of my friends back home don't think of Vespas as cool (they associate them with the older generation) and prefer the crotch rockets and Enduros. My dad's first family "car" was a 1965 Vespa.
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StyleC wrote:
TheO.Z. wrote:
I'm latino.

Actually almost half of my club is latino.
If we consider Francis half Latino, then our club is exactly half.

Oz and me + half of Francis = 2.5 latino

Total of 5 members 8)
Wait, why would we consider Francis half??? You're not pretending his portugese part is latino, are you??? Razz emoticon

And miguel, no - at least our club doesn't. Heh.
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So, if I refer to myself as a western Mexcian and have a Spanish last name, does that count?
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This needs to be a poll!
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Wangta wrote:
This needs to be a poll!
Nothing ever needs to be a poll.

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What we were hoping to see
Try again, perhaps?
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TheO.Z. wrote:
VP1 wrote:
anthony wrote:
I was an Asian male
What are you now???
hahah you got me laughin' now
I moved and had an ethnicity change.
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Chicano and proud holmes!
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tlara wrote:
Try being a hispanic female in the bassawkards state i am in. Strange looks for sure
C'mon down to Austin! Takes a lot to get a strange look here!
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Latino Scooteristas - more Family? Or Individual?
So....another question -

Are Latino Scooteristas more Family oriented?

Or are they more...Individualists?

See examples below for the differences....
La Familia que anda juntos...se queda mas juntos (The Family that rides together - stays together)
La Familia que anda juntos...se queda mas juntos (The Family that rides together - stays together)
Ya nos divertimos o que?  (Are we having fun yet?)
Ya nos divertimos o que? (Are we having fun yet?)
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Spanish/Mexican here!!!
Yeah I get hassled a lot at work about ridin a scoot ( I work in the underground construction industry) but I usually remind them of the fact of what my fuel costs are compared to theirs and the fact , if they ride or drive a lifted truck or harley to feel like 'real' men then show real b*lls and ride a Vespa! They usually back down, say no way and admit I have bigger "set" then they do!!! I also know deep down inside they would fear losing their manhood if they rode one. Thats sad that they feel a $30,000 harley or $45,000 truck makes them a 'man'! Another point I make to them which they don't take to kindly!

Around town though I don't get that reaction. Most people are surprised I ride a scooter. They say I have the look of a Harley rider but when I tell them I'm on a Vespa their surprised. I love to see their reaction. It makes it even more enjoyable to ride knowing I throw people off like that. 8)
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A few more Questions - and the PICASSOS OF THE BOULEVARD
Well, I'm still curious....got a few more questions.

First of all about las Damas - o las Chicas - Latinas....who scoot. Something you were talking about, Still Shifting---
Still Shifting wrote:
Here in NM the latino riders are not a huge percentage, more damas than dudes it seems.
Is that true of the local NON-Latino riders in New Mexico - are there more Damas than Hombres? Or is it just among los Latinos?

And...thunderthighs, you brought up a generation gap -
thunderthighs wrote:
I'm Costa Rican and until now I hadn't thought about this topic. Most of my friends back home don't think of Vespas as cool (they associate them with the older generation)
You think that's true over here? In SoCal for instance - para los Latinos who do ride scooters - do younger riders like more modern Scoots? Does that generation thing work over here in Hispanic neighborhoods, en los barrios hispanos? I'm not just talking about those of us who post on MV cause obviously we all like Vespas no matter how old we are....Verdad? But what about Los Jovenes....does the Nueva Generacion de Scooteristas Latinas really not want to be seen....on an old-fashioned Scoot? (Like that old commercial about not driving the same kind of car your parents do.... This is not your Padre's Vespa!)

And then there's that whole thing about....pride...and tradition. I know about that because Bolivians (where my Dad's family comes from) have plenty of that. So I can relate to it, HulkingWarMachine, when you said -
Chicano and proud holmes!
I wonder if there's a connection with the Scooters we ride? Vespas - and Italian made (or designed) machines - have that tradition thing going too....they're not just practical but, for a lot of us, they're stylish....sexy....scintillating....more than just something you ride around in, it's a way of letting people know who you are. As opposed to, say, German motorcycles, like BMW's - which are fast and well built and functional - but most people don't think of them as stylish. But growing up in SoCal, there's a whole sense of....you want your wheels....to reflect....not just who you are....but where you come from, too.

That pride thing....most of the Latinos I know can relate to it.

And - SIC - the town you're from, Sacto - I know it a little. Last few times I've been through there I've seen a lot more scooters...but I guess some things take time to change. Like when you talked about some 'real' men's fear of riding scooters -
SIC wrote:
I also know deep down inside they would fear losing their manhood if they rode one.
Wow. But it's way cool the other reactions you get---
SIC wrote:
Around town though I don't get that reaction. Most people are surprised I ride a scooter. They say I have the look of a Harley rider but when I tell them I'm on a Vespa their surprised. I love to see their reaction.
I love that....surprising people who have you typecast one way. As....a Latino. Or as....a Scooter rider. Or as.....(whatever)

Any of you feel like posting pictures/photos of your Scoots? Kind of like.....Cruising down Whittier Blvd in East Los Angeles...and letting everyone see your Ride. There was a famous Lowrider who compared the parade of outrageous cars in the Barrio to a moving Art Exhibit - he said, "We are the Picassos of the Boulevard!"

Well....any of you 2-wheeled Latino Scooter Picassos....feel like showing your Scooter Rides....in this Thread?
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profejh wrote:
Hola Miguel,

I'm Mexican-American and I live in Los Angeles. I don't worry about how others perceive me while riding my scoot. My fiance likes my scooter and she's even wanting to ride 2 up.

I use my scooter to commute to work 5 days a week. On the weekend I usually use my Audi A3, but on occasions, I'll ride the scoot. Razz emoticon

The last couple of events/rallies I've attended, the Latino population make was low, I could count them with my fingers. However, I don't pay attention to peoples races at these events. I'm just there to have fun 8) and meet others that share "esta pasion de motonetas" (the obsession with scooters).

The other brother I sometimes have had the pleasure of hanging out with on some rides is Snapshot05, aka Manny, he's one cool gato (cat) and of course the others that I have met, reverend, rex, the quinns, Linda, trojanscoot, eric, vic4ferrari (sic), wantang (david), and others that I cannot recall their names.

It's all about the zen of riding the vespa.

Thanks Brotha Jorge, gotta hook up and ride soon.

Yep, The only color I look at when I ride and meet people is the color of their scooters. The only reason I know about Jorges nationality is because he and my wifes family comes from the same state in Mexico.

I personally consider myself a Hybreed, Im, Moms side:French, Irish, Dutch, English, Dads side: Spanish & Mexican. Im proud of my Mexican background but never care what anyone else is.

I listen to Mexican music and dont understand much of the lyrics, I just love the music. One of my fav groups is Nortec Collective.

Manny representing world.
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Wangta wrote:
This needs to be a poll!
Why are you planning on poll dancing, please no thong.
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Chicano and proud holmes!
OPINION warning:

You cant be a Chicano, you have a job and you dont blame everyone else for your problems.

Damn does that make me 1/2 chicano as I dont have a job?

Manuel aka Manny aka Snapshot05
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If I took my scooter to a lowrider car show, theyd love it.

Lowriders and Mod Scooters have a lot in common, they are both goddi, have lots of chrome and we spend too much money on them. Especially the English Mod Scooters, as they love to murals painted on them with metal flake paint.
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TheO.Z. wrote:
Wangta wrote:
This needs to be a poll!
Nothing ever needs to be a poll.
It'll be locked before you can vote.
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SiberTater wrote:
TheO.Z. wrote:
Wangta wrote:
This needs to be a poll!
Nothing ever needs to be a poll.
It'll be locked before you can vote.
You guys all love polls - admit it.

In that case, in before the lock!!!

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Try again, perhaps?

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whats a chicano?

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austrALIEN wrote:
whats a chicano?
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