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I bought THESE LED lights on ebay.
What a world of difference that makes.
When I had the first one in I turned the key to on and there was this bright light on the left and this yellowish light on the right.
i must say I am very pleased with the result.

But what a PIS it is to change the lights
Sorry, I have no pictures.
The LED's came in this afternoon and I just had to put them in immediately and forgot to take pictures while doing it.
The pictures on ebay show the result.
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I didn't get if you replaced both lamps or just one?
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I replaced both the smal lamps with LED's

Gilera Fuoco
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hey they look cool sadly I cannot read French does the chap have a good feed back if so can you show us some more pics and what basics he says on his page cheers
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nik2003black wrote:
hey they look cool sadly I cannot read French does the chap have a good feed back if so can you show us some more pics and what basics he says on his page cheers
He basicaly tells how good the leds are and how easy it is to just swap your lamps with the leds. And he has 99,8% positive feedback for over 10.000 sells

When I was putting them in I swapped one lamp first and like I said, the other lamp looked like an old yellow lamp compared to the led I had just put in.
Even my headlight looks blund now.
If it wasn't for the price I would go for a xenon kit in the headlights right away.But that is a little to expencive at the moment.
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What is the wattage differences between the stock & Led bulbs?

Thanks Tim
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Scootover wrote:
What is the wattage differences between the stock & Led bulbs?

Thanks Tim
It says they only use 1 watt for the 10 watt of the original bulbs.

I am not that technical.

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Cooll cheers for that I will have to find someone who can translate the page unless we have some one clever here who can translate if you are looking for hid kits try www.acumen-electronics.co.uk they got some good kits there I've been using the kit here for approx 9 months with no probs god are they bright and very easy to just 2wires when you do some pics it would be great to see
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It has been raining all day but it calmed down a bit so I went out to take some pictures.

here is one with the two little lights on:
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You can see how white they are.
here you can compare with the headlight. That looks yellow now:
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Hey Dutchman,
Sorry off subject here, but seeing your bike again reminded me to ask a couple of quick questions:

1. How much did you pay for the repaint?
2. Did you have to bring the panels in yourself or did the guy just do it himself or do the paint straight on the bike?
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luthorhuss wrote:
Hey Dutchman,
Sorry off subject here, but seeing your bike again reminded me to ask a couple of quick questions:

1. How much did you pay for the repaint?
2. Did you have to bring the panels in yourself or did the guy just do it himself or do the paint straight on the bike?
I ordered the bike painted from my dealer.
When the bike came in we (my dealer and I) discussed how I wanted it.
I had almost all panels painted exept the ones under the floor and the middle one up front I left those black. I even had the little panel in the middle of the handle bars painted. i also had the rims painted silver.
My dealer took all the panels of and brought them to the painter and later he reassembled everything.
It cost me 1500 euros on top of the total costs on the bike.
For all the work it takes taking all the panels of and putting them on again, this was a very good price in my country.
The quality of the paintwork is very good so I am very pleased with the result
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R.I.P. ----K.I.T.T.500, Agent Orange (400)
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Thanks! It is very beautiful and I love the color!
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