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Molto Verboso
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"Vespa GTS 300 Super shows off its classic lines, performance and style riding through the streets of Sydney on the official Australian Launch."


I just thought you guys might want to see it. Some of the video is on the shaky side, but beggars can't be choosers. Don't blame me, I didn't shoot it.

Cheers to our friends Down Under! External inline image provided by member with no explanatory text
@wangta avatar

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'10 GTS 300 Super, '79 Vespa P200E, '04 Vespa PX200, 2011 SportCity 300 Cube [Sold]
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Man, those look awesome.

1. One guy is wearing a fully painted helmet? How does he through the visor?

2. Are they riding down some one way streets? They seem to have to swerve for cars and the cars are only parked in one direction?
@hawgklr avatar

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Looks awesome! Unfortunately, seeing a 300ie on the road in AU...doesn't mean squat to us Yankees.
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@swmldr_bill avatar

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@swmldr_bill avatar
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1. One guy is wearing a fully painted helmet? How does he through the visor?

2. Are they riding down some one way streets? They seem to have to swerve for cars and the cars are only parked in one direction?
1. The rider is a Jedi in training, and is using "the Force".

2. a) Maybe, but maybe not. b) Yes. Inner city streets can be a bit narrow. A certain amount of swerving may be required. Some streets only allow parking on one side. It's a crazy old world!
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Yoda says: " Young Jedi can't ride scooter worth a darn. Needs to go through Scooter pilot academy."

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@swmldr_bill avatar

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The Force is weak in that one.
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Spam emoticon Only kidding!! I couldn't find an "envious" emoticon....

I've just seen in my local here 6 brand spankin' just out of the boxes 300 super dupers....

They sure look puuuuurdy MUST REFRAIN FROM LUSTING.... the Missus will kill me!!
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