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Here's an article rating the best and worst cities in the US for motorcycle theft and crashes:


My city is rated 3rd worst in the US for crashes. No wonder my insurance is so much worse than most of y'all's. Crying or Very sad emoticon
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Gotcha beat at #1 Honda civic's are the car of choice. I wonder what the numbers would be if they included all of our 50cc scooters into the mix. A 50cc is considered the same as a bicycle here. One time $15 registration and doesn't need insurance. They are the prime target of thieves Notice the top ten are all warm places which makes sense. Guess you might be safe and have low insurance rates if you lived in Alaska
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Cities with the Lowest Motorcycle Theft Rates

1. Grand Rapids, Mich. 29
Hey, we are Number 1!!!

Also Number 1 in Potholes!

I know 3 Scoots that got stolen this summer, maybe they don't classify them as motorcycles.... 50cc Scoots are mostly in the Moped class
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I was hoping that SF wouldn't make the negative list. At least we're not like NYC. Have you ever ridden in a cab in NYC? I'm surprised they don't have surrounding bumpers and they are aggressive. I think SF cage drivers freak out in the cramped area and then get pissy when they can't get a spot to park in so they take it out on the two wheelers.
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Wow. I figured Birmingham, AL would make on there somewhere.
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I'm out here in Vegas at the moment. Saw only two scoots, a maxi and a POS parked at the Venetian's garage. Few Motorcycles...I guess the rest were all stolen away!
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Honolulu is #1 in thefts? They won't get very far.....
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Surprised Boston isn't listed on there. Seems to be a ton of scooters here (whic his suprising given the relatively short riding season), accompanied by a good number of thefts.

Isn't Vespa Boston one of the best selling Vespa dealers in the US?
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osteopath wrote:
I'm surprised they don't have surrounding bumpers
They do. Many of them have those front and rear push-bars, same as cop cars. The ones that don't usually have these stick-on rubber strips that go around all 4 corners.

Here, this one's got both:

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I live in Indianapolis! YAY. We made #2 on lowest crashes.

I still don't know why my rates are so high. If they're still high next year I'm going to be sorely disappointed.
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CYNNER amazing isn't it Laughing emoticon Lets just say we have a thriving "fake" paperwork thing going on. That coupled with a registration system that the "fake" stuff can work very well in and there you have it. Cars are chopped and scootesr are repainted and probably chopped to. It's easier when you live out here in the country. My friends dirt bike got stolen about 3 yrs ago and the cops found it and he had it back within less than 8hrs Usual suspects kinda thing. Out here everybody knows what you drive/ride. In honolulu well that's a whole different story. Scooters everywhere. I think 90% of the college kids have one. Some of the repair shops used to make you show proof of ownership before they would work on a scooter but i don't think that's the case anymore since nothing really got done. Bottom line is the people who steal get away with it so you just have to be careful. Sad really since i hate people who steal Amazing we didn't make the list in crashes. Always somebody getting killed on one
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