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pics are in the project reports section. no cheesy grins, but lots of pictures of exhaust studs and a few of doug's hands (i had to fight him, but he finally let me do some of the work )
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Off out to buy a numpty proof alram clock.!!

Mine has a 24hr mode so it's less easy to set incorrectly.
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What a really nice day Genie and I had. She arrived just after 11 and we breakfasted on cappucinos and croissants to let the interloper cool down before tackling the exhaust.

After the exhaust fitting, we then rode up to High Beech with all the bikers to have a bacon butty. Yum. Some sunshine, lots of laughs! Oh and a little unexpected trip to Scootech by Fiat 500 to pick up some parts.

Genie thinks my driving is somewhat assertive....
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Hey guys, you look as if you have had an even better day than Genie and I. Bill your screen looks great. Alice well done on taking the ET4!

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Hey it's the Donkei!

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And two happy campers....

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oooo, bill's got the leather trews on Eyelashes emoticon and alice has a fantastic orange jacket.

hang on a minute, if these are from today, how come doug is posting them?

and yes doug does drive that fiat 500 like he stole it and has most of the metropolitan police force in hot pursuit whoooooo!
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Just amazing
It seems like we all had great day apart from Border.
I wonder if he'll ever live that one down. For the record mate you were very much missed.
Such irony that Jim awoke on time and stepped up to the plate and took my Sister pillion for most of the day and you spent the day cursing at your bad luck.
Jim I just want to give you a very special thank you for carting Liz around.
You are a gentleman and I'm deeply in your debt.
Also another thank you to Maver, Mark and Donna and Mike for making the trip.
Always nice to meet new faces especially those who take really candid pictures of Alice and I . I didn't have time to do my make up on.
Maver proved me wrong by being able to go North to go shopping and South to join us in the resturant in time for coffees. I was wrong.
Did anyone mention the wobbling scooters in the return tunnel crossing and the Wall Mart waterproofs that shredded themselves ?
Ok then here we go -
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genie wrote:
hang on a minute, if these are from today, how come doug is posting them?!
Red-facedly and shame-facedly stole them from the other thread and posted them here! Just in case anyone misses them! They are great pix. Go look at them in the DK thread in the rallies section....!
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genie wrote:
oooo, bill's got the leather trews on Eyelashes emoticon and alice has a fantastic orange jacket.

hang on a minute, if these are from today, how come doug is posting them?

and yes doug does drive that fiat 500 like he stole it and has most of the metropolitan police force in hot pursuit whoooooo!
Dough as also ....
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Marc your pics are wonderful! They have a real sense of atmosphere.

Here' s the link to all the pics:

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But before I do a Sorry to Mike, Alice and Mgent and Donna for the overtake and showing off into that lovely sweeping left hander just before Boulogne.
I promised Alice I'd stick behind her but I saw that lovely corner coming up and I swear I heard it calling to me.
I'd like to wish a thousand curses on the penis of the penis who was driving the BMW who put us all at risk. Without going into details what a complete cock.
Oh yeah and the "leader of the pack" on the 100cc multicoloured swap shop that just had to overtake us on the same stretch of road.
I didn't know if I should laugh or cry but whatever I salute you and your patchwork quilt bike all 55 mph of it.
I also think that Jim deserves another pat on the back for his route home through many a rural valley and hillside.
What a peach of a ride. Shame about the smell and the mud but apart from that it was a delight. OK we missed our train but I don't think anyone cared.
Oh yeah the Wall Mart waterproofs story -
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dougl65 wrote:
Marc your pics are wonderful! They have a real sense of atmosphere.

Here' s the link to all the pics:

I am the driver, donna the photographer, i the realisator and made the corrections.... two on one vespa togheter ....
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figure hugging
Yes Genie leather trous just for you. Wink wink.
I'm quite happy with the way the screen works and looks.
Only the pipe to go when it rots (only a matter of time now ) and that's it for the Hornet. I like it simple. A bit like it's owner.
I wonder what Christos has in his collection for it ?
Oh yeah the Wall Mart waterproofs story -
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Bill, I saw your pipe (if you pardon the expression) a couple of weeks ago and to my eyes it looks pristine. That means it will last four years plus if it doesn' t get wet....

Please stop flirting with Genie. It upsets me.
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And what has Christos got to do with Walmart waterproofs. I would have thought that he was more of a Target customer myself. Razz emoticon
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quick and easy
I suggested to Liz that she bought with her some waterproofs just in case it rained during our trip so before she flew out from the US she bought a jacket and trousers for $10 in Wall Mart.
When we bordered our return tunnel crossing she donned the bottoms for the short ride home to Maidstone where she would jump off Jims GT and onto the Hornet because it was getting cold.
When she got on the trousers were intact, however when we reached the services they were shredded to pieces by the wind and velocity of Jims riding.
This unfortunate demise of her trousers caused much hilarity from Jim,Liz Maver and myself so much so we were still giggling when we ordered our coffees.
It looked like a rabid dog had chewed the bottoms off or she had leant them to a clown.
They actually looked like the ends of a cracker. Ruined totally.
My only regret was that we didn't take a picture of them.
Happy Days.
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Billy-with-scoot, you have a lovely sister, and Donna told me this evening that you are a real " charmeur" (and thats Dutch) Razz emoticon
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This is looking to be the longest thread on the site......um...
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funkymartyn wrote:
This is looking to be the longest thread on the site......um...
And it hasn't even started yet.... the only way that this rollercoaster is ever gonna stop is if a mod locks it or they give us a UK/Europe forum. That will probably never happen.
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Almost page 50....
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And it was only ever supposed to get to page eighteen.... 8)
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Ha, nice one doug....well we do have the, gtsownersclub.forum..... 8) And a fair few are on here and there too.......nice if modernvespa......had a uk section through.......be able to find things local easier......lol.......was looking at some of the pics linked on the above post, from today, in france and that......couple of the darkside on there.....and they like to move fast..
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Ah I wondered when the GTS owners club would raise its head... which do you prefer?

It's a different world over there.
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hi doug,..not been on there site that long to be honest..there are a few on both, as im sure you,ll know....some use a different name through..not all.they can be very helpful, as so the modernvespa..iv found.....i enjoy um both.... ..we had a good ride out today, to the scooter parts fair at burton.....was packed out...nice day, + kept dry..ha, cheers mart..
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Dougs seen my pipe Snigger.

Genie has a new pipe Nice

Donna thinks I'm a churmer ?

My Sister got the looks.

Long day

Good Night

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Laughing emoticon Laughing emoticon Laughing emoticon Laughing emoticon Laughing emoticon
Sleep wel, my friend !
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Re: massive
williamvillage wrote:
Dougs seen my pipe Snigger.

Genie has a new pipe Nice

Donna thinks I'm a churmer ?

My Sister got the looks.

Long day

Good Night

And all's well that ends well..... Sleepie tightey...! Laughing emoticon
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What a luvverly day. 285 miles door-to-door, took a while to warm through when I got home!

Bill, thanks for lending me Liz for the day, a lovely girl. Thoroughly enjoyed ripping her trousers off. A most excellent pillion - tell her I find I'm disappointed that she'll remained domiciled in the colonies.

I'm now convinced the D940 from Boulogne on to Le Touquet is not worth re-visiting - we did most of a good alternative route on the D113 on the way back while I was second-guessing the GPS before it had made its mind up.

Thanks also for letting me lead and dictate our route - I prefer to be either at the front or the back. I trust I kept the pace up just enough for those who wanted a reasonable ride (if not full-bore) but not so much as to make too much of an elastic band out of Alice wringing the neck off the ET4.

I'll be taking the Fuoco in April, it's champing at the bit.

Marc, Donna, lovely Pictures, thanks for those and the badges.
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Some pictures from the London demo we all missed today:

Make sure you're there for the big one on March 31st!
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sign of th times
I totally agree with you about the coastal road to Boulogne it's pretty rubbish so lets give it to history.
I'll pass on your messages to Liz later on in the day at the "do"when we have to be nice to people we barely know or like.
She said she felt safe and secure with you, well apart from the trouser ripping accident of course.
Thanks again.
I was quite happy you took the lead on the way home because it was a total blinder.

I forgot to thank Marc and Donna for the stickers and patches and for taking so many photos.
Lovely to meet you both at last.
What a grand day out.
I would have hated to have missed it Border.
We'll have to do it again in a month. Oh we are !
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hi troops
sorry me and tracy have not been around last few weeks .. bloody work work work ..

Tracy goes for her test again on the 26 march .. then she picking up a 07 GTS 250 .. got her over to the light side
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Oh - I thought the ride to Boulogne was by far the nicest bit But I expect I'll have other chances!
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Re: hi troops
ohsuchislife wrote:
sorry me and tracy have not been around last few weeks .. bloody work work work ..

Tracy goes for her test again on the 26 march .. then she picking up a 07 GTS 250 .. got her over to the light side
great! good luck to her for the test .... are you going to paint the 250 to match yours?
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what lovely pictures I'm so jealous I didn't make it!

good luck to Tracy on her test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

right, so is April the next ride to France then, am I right? I lost track.
can I join you?
Velma needs a day out.

you all look great in the photos, really lovely ones.
so did you go there and back in a day?
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April 4th.& 5th.

Book a berth at the Bikers Hotel.

In this page of the thread:

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do I need to read all 16 pages...?

Laughing emoticon
so is it that we're going out to (France, is it?) sleeping at that hotel Jim has posted emails of, then back the next day, is that right?

what costs will be involved, am I right in thinking petrol Razz emoticon, ferry/eurostar/crossing channel bit, food, hotel for that one night, petrol back, ferry/channel again, food

sorry I didn't keep up with the program, I didn't think I was going..
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From Uk to France, by scooter to Ypres (Belgium) Meet and greet with the locals( We and Mike and ...).A walk in Ypres and visiting the menin gate later a nice trip by the 'westhoek' visiting some war monuments. Arriving in the motorhotel. check in, maby a evening in Ostend with food and trinks.
On Sunday a trip to Bruges, in the afternoon back at home.
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do I need to read all 16 pages?

Noooo! The link is to the relevant page (about booking the Bikers Hotel).
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Page 11
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ok ok I'll read on

just back from another horrid bus riding day, I had to buy a suitcase (big one) so couldn't ride my Velma
how do people do it...
it took me hours to get where I needed to, but it's the PEOPLE inside these buses that truly upset me
mixing up with them is my idea of hell!!! I'm sorry but they all smell! and the loud chavvy phone conversation and the loud kids with chavvy loud music on their chavvy phones, AAAAGGGHHH and you also have to pay 4 days worth of petrol for this experience.

I got home and hugged Velma.
sorry for the rant, and rudeness, but seriously, how manky is public transport UGGHHH
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Re: hi troops
genie wrote:
ohsuchislife wrote:
sorry me and tracy have not been around last few weeks .. bloody work work work ..

Tracy goes for her test again on the 26 march .. then she picking up a 07 GTS 250 .. got her over to the light side
great! good luck to her for the test .... are you going to paint the 250 to match yours?
no she wants so keep it black .. shes a black lover ..
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