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dougl65 wrote:
creth95 wrote:
dougl65 wrote:
creth95 wrote:
(shucks, now I'm all blushy...)
Bet you're not! Razz emoticon
Shit. You know me too well already.
Yeah I've been reading your other posts and I've been blushing. I blush easily. Ask Genie and Bill. They've seen me!
Yeah. Sorry about that. I tend to be the shock-ER, not the shock-ee. Filthy filthy. Sick little mind. Yeah. Sorry.
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Oh my we have a live one.

Yes Doug does blush a bit especially when I tell him of my hair trimming regime.

Oh memories.



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Re: yeah
williamvillage wrote:
Oh my we have a live one.

Yes Doug does blush a bit especially when I tell him of my hair trimming regime.

Oh memories.


Oh Billy. Where have you been all my life? I ride that bus too, only I've gone the laser-removal route. Hurts a f-load less than waxing and *eventually* costs less. Figured why rent when I can OWN?

One of my friends asked my why I'd want to do something so permanent and I just looked at her and said "do you really think I'm gonna be 80 years old, lamenting the loss of my pubes?" Give me a small break.
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buzz saw
Well done that woman for nipping that little problem in the bud.

For me there's nothing worse than for the loving to start and to be confronted with an unkempt thatch.

Nothing drains my motivation more.

Taxi for Bill


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Well, now that that little issue is cleared up...

Someone mentioned something about scooters or something? Carry on! 8)
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Re: buzz saw
williamvillage wrote:
Well done that woman for nipping that little problem in the bud.

For me there's nothing worse than for the loving to start and to be confronted with an unkempt thatch.

Nothing drains my motivation more.

Taxi for Bill


ROFL emoticon
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20 per cent off
You mean this isn't the confessions thread ? Dammit.



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If it wasn't before, it is now.

Anyone into goats? I know I am.

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creth95 wrote:
dougl65 wrote:
creth95 wrote:
(shucks, now I'm all blushy...)
Bet you're not! Razz emoticon
Shit. You know me too well already.
Confident, easy to get on with, a slightly twisted sense of humour, amused at some of the 'straight-laced' topics, ... - ... Yup, you need to move in here.

I hope you hide this 'scooter-porn' from hubby though, especially Bill's breathless contributions.

(Down Boy!)

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Hubby doesn't care. He's very much the "go ahead and gawk everyone...I get to go home with her" type. And, to be perfectly frank, the relationship is very monogamous emotionally/romantically, but poly as far as the purely physical. Rarely gets tested but for the record those are the "rules."

So there you have it. How's THAT for a confession? Razz emoticon
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Good confession.

I think I'll sit this out and just watch, I'm past all these exhausting imaginations.

Sad about the denuded snatch though, I'm old-fashioned and like a bit of pheromone-release-control. It's the salt'n'pepper...
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goad or goats
Yeah I could kind of play top trump confessions here but not within the limitations of this forum.
I have to respect other peoples reserve but I do believe there are some here who know of my 5 years in the wilderness.
Nice to meet someone new though.



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Goaty McGoaterson
Mwuahahahaha! Beth FTW!!! ROFL emoticon
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creth95 wrote:
If it wasn't before, it is now.

Anyone into goats? I know I am.

Did someone mention GOATS?
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Donkei sticker spotted yesterday ....
External inline image provided by member with no explanatory text
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charlesm wrote:
creth95 wrote:
If it wasn't before, it is now.

Anyone into goats? I know I am.

Did someone mention GOATS?
ROFL emoticon

Mgent, so jealous, can't wait to get my hands on my DSSC sticker! Clown emoticon
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Dessita wrote:
woooo exciting!!!

wonder, I'll have 2x please, one for velma, one for george

can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
have fun in belgium...
You were already on the list.... I have 54 of these allocated already!

For the remainder, a club meet post Belgium in the Dog and Duck will decided what will happen to them. Otherwise we have spare stock for future inductees.

The rule remains that you must have met DSSC, and also, we like you!
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Could the rules be bent a little for us over on this side of the pond???

Maybe create an associate member category???

After all, we have met DSSC on this thread and you really do like us, no???

BTW, I was in France for 3 months last year and did drive up into Belgium several times, would that qualify???
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Convention at the Bikers Loft is for clubs to stick a club sticker on the bar.
I'd be happy to pay for that one.
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MikeO wrote:
Convention at the Bikers Loft is for clubs to stick a club sticker on the bar.
I'd be happy to pay for that one.
I think the idea is that I will pay Marc after he does the business in Belgium and then they will be distributed at cost from the People's Republic of Hammersmith after the rally - so anyone who wants more can probably have one. We did over order.

I love the idea of the Playdonk being stuck in the Biker's Loft.

Depending on how crazy this whole DSSC thing gets then we may have lots more where that came from...
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spank me master
I'm kind of drawn between being very strict with the allocation of stickers to members who where at the first meet and the new members who will be given thier stickers at Ostende and giving them all and sundry - well those who are major suck ups and good looking too.
I think to keep it exclusive we should stick with the rule with says you can have one / be a member if you are introduced by a founding member .
How do the rest of the original members feel about that ?


Bill XX
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gag order
williamvillage wrote:
I'm kind of drawn between being very strict with the allocation of stickers to members who where at the first meet and the new members who will be given thier stickers at Ostende and giving them all and sundry - well those who are major suck ups and good looking too.
I think to keep it exclusive we should stick with the rule with says you can have one / be a member if you are introduced by a founding member .
How do the rest of the original members feel about that ?


Bill XX
i think this is highly sensitive debate which should be discussed over coffee amongst a quorum of founder members on a ferry next saturday morning.
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60 Pence / 60 Eurocent for a Original DSSc sticker !
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Re: spank me master
williamvillage wrote:
I'm kind of drawn between being very strict with the allocation of stickers to members who where at the first meet and the new members who will be given thier stickers at Ostende and giving them all and sundry - well those who are major suck ups and good looking too.
I think to keep it exclusive we should stick with the rule with says you can have one / be a member if you are introduced by a founding member .
How do the rest of the original members feel about that ?


Bill XX
I feel fine about it. The Playdonk image is my work, so I would hope that would be respected.

Otherwise I would be very UNCOOL about it.
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faster pussy cat kill kill
I agree with you on this Genie. There should be a debate between the first and original members as to how we should allocate the members/stickers.

First and original members being the same thing.
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Re: spank me master
Wonder Machine wrote:
williamvillage wrote:
I'm kind of drawn between being very strict with the allocation of stickers to members who where at the first meet and the new members who will be given thier stickers at Ostende and giving them all and sundry - well those who are major suck ups and good looking too.
I think to keep it exclusive we should stick with the rule with says you can have one / be a member if you are introduced by a founding member .
How do the rest of the original members feel about that ?


Bill XX
I feel fine about it. The Playdonk image is my work, so I would hope that would be respected.

Otherwise I would be very UNCOOL about it.
i agree that membership shouldn't be extended remotely. do we have a consensus emerging?
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may I have another
Wonder I was thinking of you when I posted that. Here's the rub -
Alright it's not a club as such, it's a few like minded likeable people who have met and want to form something that's special and exclusive to them.
So lets not dish out these things like confetti ?

Agreed ?
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thank you master
How about we vote for new members either yey nor ney in this thread ?
That would keep it democratic.

Bill X

Because the Donkei Sok is such an amazing and original idea and lets face it it's hilarious, I have a feeling that the stickers will be sort after just for the novelty of displaying it rather then engaging in any meaningless bollocks either in here or on one of our many trips out.

Wot yu fink ?
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Re: thank you master
williamvillage wrote:
How about we vote for new members either yey nor ney in this thread ?
That would keep it democratic.

Bill X

Because the Donkei Sok is such an amazing and original idea and lets face it it's hilarious, I have a feeling that the stickers will be sort after just for the novelty of displaying it rather then engaging in any meaningless bollocks either in here or on one of our many trips out.

Wot yu fink ?
i don't imagine that public voting will be good for our collective karma. regarding the exchange of meaningless bollocks in person: it is actually the aim and the allure of DSSC and in fact the very matrix of its existence. without it we wouldn't exist. you were there. [*significant look with raised eyebrow*]
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Re: may I have another
williamvillage wrote:
Wonder I was thinking of you when I posted that. Here's the rub -
Alright it's not a club as such, it's a few like minded likeable people who have met and want to form something that's special and exclusive to them.
So lets not dish out these things like confetti ?

Agreed ?
Yes just have had my fingers burnt before on the whole SC thing, I don't want to have these stickers running about like a burger franchise invitation for people who want em. Not because I don't like people, but because of the shit stirring that real clubs create in reality.

Otherwise next week let us say we invent a splendid new club with a equally great sticker and then charge people ££££ for the privilege of bearing it.


Meet, ride, talk bollocks, like, mmm sticker for you.


Not know, no ride, not see, no bollocks, not care, hence no sticker for you.*

*However many pleasant pictures you may send to us of yourself in your undercrackers.
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Since I am not a founding member, I take it I do not get a say-so. I am far too opinionated anyway. I tend to agree with WM too much, which is probably a very good thing.
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office work
Wonder Machine wrote:

Meet, ride, talk bollocks, like, mmm sticker for you.


Not know, no ride, not see, no bollocks, not care, hence no sticker for you.*

*However many pleasant pictures you may send to us of yourself in your undercrackers.
we must create a cc list. who is club secretary?
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Re: office work
genie wrote:
we must create a cc list. who is club secretary?
May I remind you.....
genie wrote:
that's a fine itinerary doug!! well done!! we have a new club secretary!!
Actually that is much too much like hard work You're good at organising. I'm good at being evil. Razz emoticon
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Re: office work
genie wrote:
Wonder Machine wrote:

Meet, ride, talk bollocks, like, mmm sticker for you.


Not know, no ride, not see, no bollocks, not care, hence no sticker for you.*

*However many pleasant pictures you may send to us of yourself in your undercrackers.
we must create a cc list. who is club secretary?
I am now because the list of distributees is in my office.

Okay that is a crap reason but it will do. I am prepared to do all sorts of tasty tasty designing piffle for the DSSC on that basis.
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dougl65 wrote:
Since I am not a founding member, I take it I do not get a say-so. I am far too opinionated anyway. I tend to agree with WM too much, which is probably a very good thing.
having worked on the scooters of most club members, having hosted many delightful gatherings at your home, having contributed at length and with great wit to this very thread, and having been present in the pub when the Donkei Skok idea was first proposed, i think you number among the select and filthy few that that make this organization what it is today - a bunch of like-minded people with great stickers and rather dirty minds.

i still think that discussions around membership would be better debated at length on the ferry in person with waving arms and spilled coffee. can we all agree to move the discussion on for now?
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can boy
Doug you are a founding member because you were at the Pilot on the night the bet was set. As is Dessa.
Agreed ?
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Re: can boy
williamvillage wrote:
Doug you are a founding member because you were at the Pilot on the night the bet was set. As is Dessa.
Agreed ?
and alex.
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Yep, suits me.

In other news, YGB has been repaired and is fighting fit again. Pick up on Tuesday!
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Wonder Machine wrote:
Yep, suits me.

In other news, YGB has been repaired and is fighting fit again. Pick up on Tuesday!
So cool. That's great.
genie wrote:
i still think that discussions around membership would be better debated at length on the ferry in person with waving arms and spilled coffee. can we all agree to move the discussion on for now?
I agree. And thank you for the kind comments. You flatter me...

Like Bill, here's hoping for kinder weather.
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I'm rolling with Wonders idea which is far better then mine.

But we do have to have a list of founder members agreed ?

So Doug,Alex,Dessa,Jim,Genie,Wonder,Mike0,Marc and Donna,Spider and Tracy,Border,Huskyteer,Kam minds gone blank......
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