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Maybe a run down to Canterbury when Spider and Tracy get home ?

My heart goes out to you both.

Bill X
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that's really sad news.

my best wishes to both of them and i hope spider's injuries heal well.
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As you know I was due to ride with them to Hastings yesterday and as fate would have it.

I'm going to pass on all of your best wishes on to Tracy by text now and if I hear anything I'll post it asap.

Bill X
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Oof. That's awful. My best to both of them.
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Just got this text from Spider - Thanks Mate Looks like a long time in hospital - Ten weeks then loads of work getting to walk again.

Poor Guy.

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Oh, poor Spider and Tracy. Let us know if there's anything to be done to help.
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txt 2
Spider - Thanks the old GTR is a bit bent and battered and Tracy had a few bumps and bangs because she was on the back.
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I hope he's enjoying the painkillers - well you've got to look at any positives to be got out of this. At least he's sounding cheerful about being alive, albeit a bit rather scarily busted up. Hips are all a bit near important bits.

Going en masse to drown him in grapes isn't going to be much appreciated - well not just yet anyway - but grapes that have been put to good use are probably off the menu for the time being as well.

When we know a bit more we can make sure he gets plenty of visits. Take some scooter-porn, "Readers' paint-jobs", "Beating my panels off" etc...
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Maybe we could find out when it's good to visit and go down to Hastings in rota ?

As you say Jim it could take a few months.
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Dam, thats horrible, sending out best wishes for a speedy and successful recovery to both.
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Bill - just let Tracy and Spider know we're here to help and enable however we can. Visits, taking the piss, whatever. Tell Spider from me he might now consider a tripod an MP3. Razz emoticon
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of course
I'll text him this morning to give him all your best wishes later and hint at a visit when he's feeling a bit more comfortable.

I think an MP3 is a good suggestion Jim. Hopefully the idea will put a smile on his face.

He seems in good spirits through.

Bill X
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Rotten news! Can you get a ward name so I can send a card? (Perhaps a name other than 'Spider' would be helpful too.)
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got a text from Spider today - he's off to london tomorow for an 8 hour op to reset all of the shattered bones in his pelvis. they're going to have to use metal plates - he's wondering if that means he'll get a log book and plate number Razz emoticon he was also moaning about the fact that the emergency team cut off a brand new fred perry.

i can't believe how upbeat he is, it's pretty inspirational. i think we'll be able to send cards and stuff when he's moved back to William Harvey hospital in Ashford. He's looking at about 9 months until he's on his feet again.
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Simon Brudenell - Spider has asked me to thank all of you who has sent their kind regards and he promises to be back on the Vespa's as soon as possible.

Tracy is coming over with his Ipod so he won't be all alone in his own room with nothing to do.
He sent me some pictures of the accident today. The first with him on his back next to a stretcher being attended to by the emergency services and the other with the Vespa laying next to the offending car.
I have no idea who had the peace of mind to take them so soon after the collision but someone was thinking clearly.
The Vespa is laying on its side next to what looks like a Korean car that has Spider/Tracy sized dents it it.
Maybe I shouldn't suggest this but my money is on an elderly gentleman being the driver.
More later

Bill X
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William Harvey is about 30 mins from my place so me thinks I'll be paying frequent visits to the old boy.

9 Months ? Jesus.

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Wishing a speedy recovery from Texas.
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Bloody hell

Poor Mr Spider, that's f**kin awful news but glad he's OK (ish). Our club went to Camber on Saturday and were getting there just as the ride out had left so we met them all on the way in. A guy we know turned up later as we were leaving and said there had been an accident in Hastings and we should avoid it cos the traffic was still bad, obviously I had no idea it was Spider...shit what a day.
On the way there a mate of mine who was leading the pack on his new Lammy Golden Special slipped the clutch on the Polgate rounder bout shot across it, hit the curb doing about 30 aired the bike and smashed into the crash barrier. I was right behind him and saw the whole thing in vivid technicolour. Luckily he managed to roll off the bike before it hit the barrier so was pretty unscathed but his 2 day old bike was completely fucked.

What a nightmare all round, hope Spider gets well soon but 9 MONTHS... JESUS Crying or Very sad emoticon
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9 months... bloody hell. At least he's got decent sick-pay arrangements from what I can gather, so financial worries shouldn't be part of the equation. The convalescence will be *so* frustrating though.
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Spider has just called me. He's been filling me in on his condition and the morphine is really helping because his legs aren't really connected to anything that is solid apart from a broken pelvis I guess which right now is a semi solid.
Tomorrow when they rebuild him they are going to put in a new hip joint because the old one is also in bits.
He's going to keep us posted on any moves/operations but everything being well he should be in the William Harvey by Friday but oddly enough after having the operation in London he has to return to Hastings for a check up.
For the record Spider tried to lean the scoot over as much as possible before he connected with the O/S of the car but the impact threw him up in the air and he landed on a brick wall which did all the damage.
The driver pulled out into the road without looking at at speed so poor Spider and Tracy didn't stand a chance in avoiding it.
The road was closed for over an hour and a half while he was being attended to. He mentioned that Tracy forgot about her injuries and didn't want to leave his side while he was being taken care of.
What a trooper.
He's got his Ipod now so he's a little happier.

He also wants to thank you all for your support so far.

More later

Bill X

Oh yeah they were coming back from Hastings to the Holiday Camp so they could get some sleep before an evening of dancing and that's why they weren't spotted on the run to Hastings.
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Plus a new hip joint? Wow. Some impact.

I hope the driver never forgets to 'Think Bike' again.
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Spider did say that there were alot of very angry Scooter riders who would have probably lynched the driver if the Police hadn't have been there.

I wonder how he would have done if he hadn't landed on a wall ?

Poor Guy

Bill X
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please pass on our hopes for a speedy recovery for them both from the Norwich Broadsmen S.C.
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pass on
I'll do that later on this morning Maver.

Thank You

Bill X
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It looks like i will be riding down to Churt, Surrey this Saturday, rain or shine. anybody interested in coming along? i'll be doing a one-way trip but there should be tea and maybe even biscuits at my aunt and uncle's place when we arrive.
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Probably heading down to Howard's for the weekend or I'd be up for that. I'll go a long way for a biscuit

I'm wincing just reading about Spider & Tracy's accident. Thanks for keeping us posted, Bill + Genie.
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I have been pre-occupied with non scooter things all weekend and have only just checked in with MV and seen this thread.

Poor Spider and Tracy. Bill, if you can send my best wishes to them, I would appreciate it.

Bloody hell.
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Consider it done Mark. I think Spider is being operated on as I type but I'll send him a text passing on your best wishes.

Thank you

Bill X
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Shit, I hate it when things like this happens. Reminds us all how lucky we are each day and after each near miss.

Healthy thoughts to Spider.

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I did think if I'd gone down on the Saturday I would have seen it or been part of it.

I've heard nothing all day so I'm guessing that the operation has/is taking place or he's post op monged out.

Charles I'll pass on your best regards.

Anyone interested in a visit as and when the patient gets transfered to Ashford ?

Bill X
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About to go to bed, hoping Spider has had the op OK, and hoping Tracy is hurting less and more confident about Spider's progress.

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Any news on how the op went? I hope it went well. Bill please let him know I hope he recovers well (sorry I'm a bit rubbish at putting things like that in works)
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I'd certainly like to visit at some point. I'd need another Skoker or two to go with me though, cos I'm scared of hospitals. Going to Guy's tonight to visit a friend and his kidney stones
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when he's feeling up to having visitors (which i'm pretty sure he won't be for a good few days after major surgery) then i'd be very happy to join a few other Skokkers for a visit. maybe best to wait until he's moved back to william harvey hospital and has had a chance to settle in?

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Huskyteer wrote:
I'd certainly like to visit at some point. I'd need another Skoker or two to go with me though, cos I'm scared of hospitals. Going to Guy's tonight to visit a friend and his kidney stones
I'll go with you, if you like.
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Maybe sign it all at Duxford

Please will someone add my name to the card?

Best wishes for a smooth recovery from over here and support for all the supporters, too.
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MikeO wrote:
Maybe sign it all at Duxford

Please will someone add my name to the card?

Best wishes for a smooth recovery from over here and support for all the supporters, too.

Haven't met Simon but I would like to send best wishes for his recovery.
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I sent him a text this morning asking him to get in touch when he is fit enough to recieve visitors and any updates on the operation but I've heard nothing so I'm guessing he's in recovery.
The last time I talked to Tracy she said that it would go quite for a while.
I'm happy to take anyone down there as it's just a short trip for me so if anyone wants thier hand held (Alice) just ask.
Most of my Sundays are free these days so I'm happy to make a ride of it.

More in a sec.

Alex, MikeO and Benelli I've just sent him a text wishing him your best.

558 You'd like Spider. He's a real rough diamond with a heart of gold.
Tracy is a star as well and makes a cracking cup of tea.

Bill X

Update - Tracy has just called to say that Spider is in the Cromwell Hospital in London and with any luck his smashed pelvis will be rebuilt on Friday.
She has put her foot down and used the Private Health Care card and Spider is being taken very good care of in a decent bed in a decent private room with excellent care.
He won't be going to the William Harvey Hospital now but there's a chance he'll remain in London for while after the operation.
As soon as we get the OK that he can get visits we'll all go and drop in huh ? Maybe not all at once ?
Tracy thanks everyone who has enquired about Spiders welfare during this very difficult and painful time.
During the call Spider was sparked out on painkillers which earlier on didn't agree with him very much but at least now he's getting some rest.

Poor Guy.

I've said to Tracy if there is anything she needs from us to just ask.

Bill X
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thanks for keeping us updated bill.

i'll be thinking of spider and tracy on friday.
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No worries Kam. I'd like to think that someone would do the same for me in the same circumstances.

For those that don't know The Cromwell Hospital is at 162-174 Cromwell Road London SW5 OTU.

I don't have a ward name or number yet but as soon as I do I'll broadcast it here.

As for a ride to Surrey on Saturday Genie the weather looks rubbish to me so I'll probably spend the day picking arguements with old ladies in bus shelters.

Bill X
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