I have had my vintage Vespa for several months now, and have drained the gearbox oil for the first time (probably should have done that first thing, as what drained out was a black dirty mess). The only oil I can find (I have searched both hardware stores and auto parts stores) that is labeled SAE30 (monograde) is not labeled as meneral oil, and is also labeled as being 4 stroke Engine oil and the packaging labels are silent on detergents vs non-detergent. Is this what I want to put into the gearbox?
I can't find any oil here in Australia that is labeled as SAE 30 Mineral based Oil? What oil are people putting in their gear box? ..and where did you buy it?
As for engine oil, I use "Shell Advance 2T Mineral Motorcycle Oil" for my oil/fuel mix... that is the only oil product I have seen that is specifically labeled as "mineral oil"? ...but I strongly suspect I don't want to put that into the gearbox.
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