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After doing my research I finally went out to look at Vespas. I had my sights set on the GTS 250 or 300 after reading all the great reviews and about the specs etc.
When I actually saw one up close for real they were alot larger and chunkier than I actually expected, because they are alot bigger I am not sure I like the broader chunkier style which they have. I have friends with classics and more traditional scooters which I feel the gts has gone away from. I am now considering the LX as i feel it has a much smarter tidy profile or the more traditional PX.
Seeing as though this is a forum for scooter enthusiasts what wins and what is more important style or performance. We all know the GTS wins hands down on performance but do you really find that it has as much style as the lx or px.
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from some angles the gts looks a bit like a teapot, but once it's off the centrestand it actually looks quite nice.

the lx looks nice but may be a bit small depending on how big you are.

neither compare to a px as far as style is concerned but the performance and everyday usability (for non spanner-minded folk) of the gts wins out in the end for me.
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Never really thought of the GTS looking like a teapot Laughing emoticon I only weigh about 70kg and height wise i'm about 5'9" so think I will probably be ok with either. Is it just me being fussy or does the GTS seem like its trying to be a big bike instead of a scooter.
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In my opinion, the LX is a prettier piece of work than the GT or GTS.
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I know exactly what you mean. I was undecided between the LX and the GT myself ... until I saw them in person that is. The GT is just too big for me! I am 5'3, 145 pounds and female.

Once I saw both and sat on both, it was a no brainer for me. The GT was just too big and heavy. I took the LX which I agree, is a little nicer looking ... IMHO. I guess it really depends on how tall you are and how much scooter you think you can handle. The LX is just right for me.
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The GTS is the so called daddy to the LX..in terms of design the LX is a spitting image of the GTS but not as wide and bulky. I'm 5'8 weigh about 82kg and I feel fine on the LX..It's not a lightweight bike by no means, It's solid, sturdy and nimble around town...when I was buying my scoot I looked at the GTS's and thought that yeah they look cool but a bit bulky and heavy for a first scoot...If your planning to do a lot of running about around town then the LX is perfect But if you travel out of town often I would go with the GTS for the performance Style wise they are very similar bikes with the LX maybe edging it out in sleekness
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Lx is cool but yes your personal body size matters. An LX looks like a small scale model scoot with me on it when the GT and GTS only a bit wider is fine for me. I looked at the Vespa 150 S in white but it was just too small of frame for me.
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Size may be a factor, but how and where you plan to ride should be a larger factor in your decision of which to buy. I ride mainly in the city, and the LX offers me the right mix of speed and size. It doesn't attract too much attention from the parking authorities when I put it up by the bicycles (never been ticketed). While I can and do take it on the highway, I stay clear of the faster roads where 100kph or more is the norm. Also, I don't ride two-up, though some others do.

I have to man handle the scooter into the garage by the car, and I am not too sure that I would be able to do it without removing the car if I had the GTS.

My 2 cents worth

Oh, the GTS is not the "daddy" to the LX, since the latter came out first. More like the larger uncle ...
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I agree with Michael. I have both a GT and an LX. The LX is more fun to ride. From a design standpoint, I think it's better proportioned. It's ideal for urban driving between 30 and 50 MPH. Perfect.
The GT is more solid, stable, and feels fine in the 60 - 70 MPH range. I've got a topbox on my GT and a front rack, so it holds a lot. It's the scoot commute in and the scoot I use to go shopping.
The LX is more fun.
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Think it might be the LX for me then. Just one last deciding factor how does the lx 125/150 handle 2 up riding for two average sized people?
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ferret wrote:
Think it might be the LX for me then. Just one last deciding factor how does the lx 125/150 handle 2 up riding for two average sized people?
I own a GTS, but had the privilage of riding an LX 150 around this past summer for 3 months, and I was pretty impressed with the LX. It is quite zippy and is great for city riding. Can get up to a max of around 60-65 mph, which was fast enough for my needs. When I went outside the city limits, I found myself wishing for a bit more power, especially on hills where my speed would drop to 45. But just city riding - this is a great scooter.

Two up is not bad - scoot is still zippy, but you notice it a bit on hills. I had no problems zooming around with my gf on the back, but I didn't try any longer trips outside the city with her.

LX150 is a great scooter, I think you'll really like it. However, don't be surprised if you find yourself looking to trade up in a year or so. Oh, but if you want more power, you could always kit your LX150 to 190. I've never ridden one of these, but I heard its much peppier off the line.

If money wasn't an object, I'd own both an LX and GTS. I wonder which I'd ride more.
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Monad007 wrote:
I agree with Michael. I have both a GT and an LX. The LX is more fun to ride. From a design standpoint, I think it's better proportioned. It's ideal for urban driving between 30 and 50 MPH. Perfect.
The GT is more solid, stable, and feels fine in the 60 - 70 MPH range. I've got a topbox on my GT and a front rack, so it holds a lot. It's the scoot commute in and the scoot I use to go shopping.
The LX is more fun.
I diasgree.

I had a GTS followed by an LX with a GTS300 currently. I would have agreed with you at one point, but not any more. The GTS is much more fun and I actually find it more chuckable than the LX. The GTS is much more powerful and it is the intial burst of acceleration that makes me grin a lot of the time.
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Ferret..Go for the gts , 125cc, and not the 250cc then .. its not to heavy, same power as the lx, well almost... and the gts as much more under seat storage....also if you,re putting on crome front rack, and fly screen..etc..the gts will be ok.. And for the times you go two up.....
Depends on if you get a better deal, on one of them,, and you dont need to do the full test yet... 8) ..Also think the gts as a larger fuel tank too..
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I don't know why I am asking this as it was supposed to be a style thread not a performance thread but does the gts 125 engine struggle to pull the larger gts frame more so than the 125 lx engine pulling the smaller lx frame?
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hi no pulls ok, nice and quick ,etc.. even only the 125cc..ok
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ferret wrote:
I don't know why I am asking this as it was supposed to be a style thread not a performance thread but does the gts 125 engine struggle to pull the larger gts frame more so than the 125 lx engine pulling the smaller lx frame?

The 125 is a liquid cooled 4 valve unit in the GT compared to an air cooled 2 valve in the LX. In GT format it develops the maximum learner legal power allowed which is 15bhp. The LX only develops 10.8 bhp. Thus the GTS 125 is mcuh perkier that the LX.

If you are going this route, maybe wait a while as this engine is going EFI fairly soon.
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sorry for ignorance but what is EFI? Is this to do with fuel injection? What difference does liquid cooled 4v as apposed to air cooled 2v make on performance?
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