fat rat wrote:
My wife convinced me I should get a flu shot this year so I went and got one yesterday (from my doctor, not from a free flu shot clinic at Jiffy Lube )
I felt like crap all day. Lethargic, achey, just plain.
Is this normal? Maybe I have the flu? That would suck....... wouldn't it?
If you had influenza, it would be no mystery, acute onset, fever 102F-104F, cough, aches chills, it would last for 5-10 days. Benito is correct about mild symptoms after vaccination.
baumer wrote:
yeah it can be normal. when they give you a flu shot they are actually infecting you with a very weakened strain of the flu, in order to build immunity up against that particular strain. so it is normal to feel off your game for a few days after you get the shot.
The injectable vaccine in the US does not contain a live virus, however the nasal spray does (attenuated).
Dee wrote:
Sometimes, you may have been exposed to something just prior to receiving the vaccine, and are having symptoms from that. This is what gives some people the idea that they got the flu from the vaccine.
You get the flu (and other viruses) from hand to nose/eyes contact. Ignaz Semmelweis figured it out in 1847, but we have trouble remembering the concept. Dee
Generally speaking, after being exposed to a pathogen, incubation could be from 3-10 days before symptoms show.
My understanding is that vaccine producers track flu season in the southern hemisphere and make their best guess as to which 3 strains are the most virulent. For details see
when I was younger I got the flu often but like Benito I have gotten the flu shot for the past 18 years. I have only had the flu once in all those years, (Awful, just awful!) I lost 12 pounds during 10 days of illness.I also lost 7 days of work. To echo Dee WASH YOUR HANDS...DON'T TOUCH YOUR FACE...WASH YOUR HANDS
Just a reminder, 36,000 people die each year in the US from influenza and complications associated with flu.