With the cold weather setting in I thought I'd mention one thing I learned one cold day last year.
When the bike is cold the idle is higher, not new info to most everybody but the MP3 acts differently when there is a rider and when there is no rider seated. As the bike maintains idle to warm up, it can possibly pass the 2300 RPM (or so) threshold where it will do two different things based on having a seated rider or not;
Rider seated: unlock the front end.
Rider missing: limit the idle to keep the clutch from moving the bike.
I mention this because if you are at a stoplight and locked while the bike is still in high Idle the bike may suddenly unlock. If you are caught off guard it could mean trouble. This happened to me and scared me but I did happen to react fast enough to catch the bike.
So there is my tip of the season.
Happy riding!