as it's getting cold, I finally got around to putting the pig tail (SAE plug lead from the battery to the battery charger) on the GT. After trying any number
of ways to snake it thru the side of the floor boards (no go, there appears to be a a wall between the battery compartment and the side) I finally went for
pulling it back thru the underseat compartment. Now I just lift the seat,
pull the bucket out, and then grab the plug- not elegant but it works. It's also out of the way unless you really need it. I'm beginning to think it might
have just been simpler to pull the battery but then it wouldn't be available for those few golden warm days that will come. In any event, if the bike isn't getting ridden as much, particularly if you live in a place where it gets really cold, you might want to give it a try. Tenders' do a really nice job of keeping the battery topped of when you are not able to ride as often as you would like. And remember, STA-BIL is your friend, 'just saying...........