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So I've been thinking of purchasing a vespa recently but have been a little scared to do so. I know little about them and my research hasn't brought much up.

I live in the city and have no garage. So I would have to park my scooter on the street. My question is this: What is there to stop someone from just rolling my scooter right out of my life? Couldn't they just grab it off the street and get a key made for it, then keep it themselves? What a tragedy. Haha. Or is there something special about them that secures this?
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If someone wants your bike, they're going to find a way to get regardless of what security you have on it. People have been sensitized to alarms and just get annoyed. This is why you get insurance.

Just be smart about where you park it and take Ambien (get the generic Zopidem, it's cheaper) to get some sleep.
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The best thing you can do against theft is lock the scoot to something stable, and have a good insurance policy. If someone wants your bike bad enough, they'll take it. The harder it looks to steal, the more someone will think twice about it, but that's all relative.

That said, most of the new Vespas have chipped keys. Meaning if the theif doesn't have one of the keys programmed into the Vespa's ignition, they'll never get it started without replacing some pretty pricey parts.

I know someone else can explain that a lot better than I can.
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There are many ways to secure a scooter, Xena Disc Locks, Grip Lock, many types of chain and cable locks. I would think that employing a number of these items would help...but there is nothing you can do to guarantee 100% that it won't get stolen. I purposely selected a $100 deductible on my insurance (for not that much more $) as the be all end all security item.

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I don't even know how motorcycles work to compare. Like there's no documentation or a VIN or anything for a vespa that officially states: "This is your bike" either, is there?

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bobwilliambobs wrote:
I don't even know how motorcycles work to compare. Like there's no documentation or a VIN or anything for a vespa that officially states: "This is your bike" either, is there?
Every Vespa has a VIN. If the displacement is over 50cc, it will have to be registered as a motor vehicle -- therefore you have a VIN, title and plates. Look, an LX 150 weighs about 250 pounds, if someone wants to boost it, they will. As the others have said, all you can do is use things that slow the thief down. You protect yourself with insurance.

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Ok thanks
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