I discovered the coolant level to be a little low (the scooter has only 200 miles). Then i saw the dire warnings about using regular coolant. I searched the MV forum and found an excellent thread about this matter, I think around April 07?
Anyways, I diligently went to the vespa dealer and asked about the coolant and was told to use any kind available. Not so!!!
I bought a jar of DEX COOL nitrate free coolant and returned home.
Then I found that the coolant already present in the nearly new scooter is blue in color. The Dex-Cool is yellow. I went ahead and diluted the Dex-Cool 50/50 with distilled water and topped off the reservoir.
I hope i did the right thing?
Does anybody knows if the original coolant in a new vespa is blue?
OR the dealer I bought from filled the radiator with the wrong coolant. (In which case i will have to drain it all and flush it)